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RE: Our Corrupt Sense of Fairness

in #philosophy8 years ago

We have built a system that systematically transfers value from those who don't work to those who do work. In time it should spread.

I have seen the wealth shifting from a few accounts to many and that is easily seen through the transparency of the blockchain. Hard work is rewarded from what I can understand, a lot of what steemit bases its value on is the contribution of work similar to the (meaningless in my opinion) miners that search for specific bits of information to mine a block.

Our content is the block and miners are more like curators. I could be completely wrong, but I see some similarities between these aspects, and also realize that bitcoin must make some changes because I don't think it can handle what will be coming its way once it becomes far more mainstream.

And you are right originally you created the idea and the wealth was concentrated in a very small area like a single celled organism. that organism breaks and expands into multiple cells with a lot of different roles. Some are vital parts that would be deadly if removed and others are of lesser importance individually, but together form an incredible system. As wealth is distributed, we will find those that are the brain and those who contribute to purge the system of toxins as well as those who just wish to float along and be part of the body.

Again not a perfect example, but one that helps me visualize what steemit may become in the future if it continues at this state. Right now I see it as an embryo about ready to grow larger and be birthed out into the real world where it will interact with people outside the cryptocurrency amneotic fluid that surrounds it now and into the mainstream users hands.