Like you said- - -"Some scientists think it's closer to 10 years except the cause of that one is global warming and they claim it's already too late." - - - So why would most people not party like it's 1994?
We have Scientist, and Religious Leaders, and Political Leaders, all tell people the same thing, and people are buying it. ""The World As We Know It Is Fucked""- - - So why would not most people- - - "care about is their own personal gratification and happiness"- - - We can do little about it. People are allowing themselves to be lead around by the nose, so why should you or I or any non-sheeple person try to do anything about it? In 1996 everyone was crying about oil running out. In 1977 people were crying about a new coming Ice Age, In "pick your year" people were crying about this or that or anything that someone would listen too.
In 2017- - -People just plain-assed got tired of hearing about all the doom-gloom-and my god is better than your god crap, my political party is the right party, we have to take from you and give to ourselves-crap. People (sheepole), just don't give a crap, because there really is nothing to give a rats ass about in the world we are all too late, ask the 65+ year old hippy where we went wrong. Sit-ins and Laugh In, Blame me for the lack of willingness for people to do nothing, because people in my age group realized it was all a crock anyway's, ask meatloaf about his song "I want my money Back" It is a fucking shame as you say, but I just don't care about it anymore, the religious, political, and the scientist, have removed all reasons for an individual to have any morals at all. The religious, sin and then get forgiven on Sunday, the scientist are not worried about the afterlife because they see no god, the politicians, don't give a shit as long as they have and get what they want out of the here and now. No reason for me to be worried about any of it, worry is a waste of time, so life will go on despite all the doom and gloomers.
That's exactly why we're fucked. Because people are already partying like that and not caring about the environment or the world.
Ignoring the problems in the world don't make them better. Just cause it makes you uncomfortable to look at these things, doesn't mean we should ignore them either.
You might be right, you might not. Life may go on, or it might end in the near future because people don't give a fuck.
You seem to be arguing for the side that says let's party ourselves into extinction, and I can only shake my head in regards to that line of thinking. I usually like hearing what you have to say, but this time I'm just surprised anyone could basically say. "Who cares if we extinct ourselves and virtually all the other lifeforms on the planet, let's just party! WOOHOO!"
Oh by the way, worry is a useful thing. It could even save our lives. If you worry about your health or someone elses, you will pay more attention to it, worry is not bad. Worry is useful, it helps us know what is important in life!!!
Actually, i don't think we should be of the attitude of "Who Cares", As for myself, I am not a Scientist, I am not a politician, and I sure as hell do not belong to any Organized religion, as I tried to point out these are the primary groups responsible for the state of the world, not people like me. I do what I can, I don't drive a muscle car, or an SUV, or something that only gets a few miles to the gallon. I don't live in a mansion, and I sure as heck am not flying all over the world saying oh we can't let people in here they will just ruin it. The three entities that I mentioned are the ones that have stolen self respect, and all form of respect from people, I on the other hand respect what you are saying, and all I am saying is I believe it is almost too late, but people are waking to the fact that the only way they lose respect is when they actively give it away. We people are able to once again respect themselves, they will respect the world, and their environment.
Thanks for clarifying your position. I'm not sure if I misunderstood you initially or not, but you definitely gave me the impression of "let's just party who cares" so if I was wrong about that I apologize, but that's the impression your response gave me.
I generally agree with the above quote of yours I just mentioned, however.. It might be too late already, as I mentioned in my OP.. Some scientists think it is too late.
Could some of these things be fear mongering? Yes, but all of them? I doubt it and just looking at the visual evidence of all the forests being cut down all the huge landfills and wastes and our cities which are like cancers upon the earth.. Is enough for me to say shit is wrong.
Whether it's predictions of us running out of drinking water or killing the bees or the multitude of other reasons,I'm sure at least one of them is worth us considering and trying to be in more harmony with nature because of.
We might extinct ourselves in numerous different ways, and if that's a possibility we should care. If it's not a possibility.. I'd like to see the evidence to prove those are all lies. Which I think is impossible, so.. If we can't prove those threats are all lies, we should try to live in better balance with the planet to the degree we can.
And yeah I agree those 3 groups you mentioned are responsible for a lot of the shit in the world. However.. Even worse in some ways then them if you really think about it are the apathetic public who go along with their plans. They couldn't do it without us ignoring them doing it or helping and enabling them. There would be no Hitlers if there were no followers.