Yes its pretty conclusive that's the case. The study you point to along with others support the idea that certain animal species have the capacity limited complex thought / reason and the use of tools. However there has been no study that has advanced the idea that an animal is capable of the same level of intellect and reason that a human being can possess. Just because a chimp can use a stick to retrieve ants to eat does not mean a chimp can repair your car, or program a computer.
Nor does a gorilla learning a very limited vocabulary in sign language make a gorilla as smart as a human which has a far greater capacity to learn. The vast majority of that research has shown the more intelligent animal species have an intellectual level approximate to a small child between 3 to 6 years of age. The difference being that human child will advance and progress as it ages while the smartest animal will not .
The apex of animals on this planet because of the ability to think, reason, imagine , create and destroy.
Almost every animal out there is times and times stronger than us pound for pound.
Chimpanzees make monkeys of humans in computer game
The difference is that there aren't any qualifying factors that makes one APEX of shit, period. Apex of animals? Well great, that's nothing more than your opinion on what Apex means, because you just got offered evidence that ability to think, reason is questionable at best, and you didn't want to include Pound for Pound as a standard for the apex of animals.