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RE: The Good Vs Evil Delusion

That's a great article. I recently learned that every rabbit hole you could fall down basically led to a burrow that was good vs evil. I started trying to write about a society without money since money was the root to all evil. Except the more i wrote the more it sounded like the Illuminati and a the New World Order so i have been re evaluating things trying to see all sides of every issue and realized it is what it is.


Yeap, we often need to get into other people's shoes to understand how things work around us. We all wished to be presidents and fix the world but I don't think any one of us would be that much different. There are 7+ billion people on earth, each with their own passions, shortcomings and special histories. One simply cannot address them all. This is also why politicians look so superficial. They have to be since overgeneralization is the only way to reach as many people as possible.