Goal-setting Is The Springboard To Success

in #philosophy7 years ago

Goal setting is the heartbeat of success pursuit and attainment. Without goals life becomes meaningless and a mere existence. It becomes a maze ridden by dead ends and detours whose routine is stumbling and chasing after the wind.

Image Courtsey: experimentwithsuccess.com

Goals are the lane to which our lives were meant to tread upon to take us from obscurity to prominence and mediocrity to greatness. It's pertinent to set goals especially at the beginning of each new season. For goals enable your life to have focus and meaning. Having concise, feasible and smart goals stimulate you to take the essential action to effect their attainment.

Don't live an aimless life which only leads to mediocrity and insignificance. But, set goals for each facet of your life and give out the best in you in the pursuit and attainment of them to accentuate your success and impact in your niche and all round.

Take home success gem.

"You, one person with a vision, are like a pebble in a stream, moving ever outward to infinity, impacting on all who come into contact with that ripple, which creates the spiritual world l believe in so strongly." Dr Wayne W. Dyer.

Success Nugget for the day.

Never underestimate the impact and contribution you can make in the betterment of the world and its people. The key to being a mover and shaker of this world is living a life of purpose punctuated by audacious goals which actioned into reality will spur you on to greatness and make you a benevolent citizen in your world sprucing up the quality of life of its citizens.

Success Nuggets with Provider Gumbo, An International Certified Life Coach.


Thanks bro for this post, it's a nice and needed piece especially @ the beginning of the year. Keep it up.

What an inspirational post, I was really touched by this post. Thanks for sharing @autofreak

This is well captivated, very important post espcially now we are in the beginning of the year. Proper goal is very essential for success to be achieve, in fact is the blue print to success

Don't live an aimless life

Aimless life makes us become vulnerable.........