How Your Relationship With Your Kid Influences Their Behaviour 🍀

in #philosophy7 years ago


Your Influence On Your Child

As is mostly common knowledge, parental influence on their youngsters early in life features an important impact on their political affiliation and religion later in life. So much so that some individuals accuse mothers and fathers of "indoctrinating" their youngsters. However, we are able to all think over the question if we would do the same as such a lot of have before us.

If you had kids, how would you influence them? Would you "force" them to be a part of your religious and/or ideological affiliation? Would you merely} just encourage it? Or would you try to not influence them in any respect and allow them to decide based on the outside world? Conjointly, if you discovered your child has chosen a different ideology and/or faith than you, would you try to "convert" them back?

Acting As A Guiding Compass

My hope is that teach my children the way to solve issues, be intellectually honest, and learn humility and respect for people that trouble them. I would like to expose them to a broad variety of concepts and cultural experiences.

With that I need to acknowledge that they'll probably finally end up believing things I do not believe, the will probably develop tastes and preferences that are completely different from mine. A part of having intellectual humility and respect is acknowledging that probability and accepting it. I truly think it's an honest thing- I'm certain that I'm wrong about a great number of things, and hopefully, my children can take the best of what I teach them and understand where I'm wrong.

We Need Help Being Grown

That being said, youngsters and young adults aren't autonomous, they have to be raised. From that point of view, yes I will be able to try, and infix values and beliefs that I believe are correct. Even so, you'll be able to lead a horse to water and all that. Particularly for teenagers, there's solely so much you'll be able to do if they're interested in one thing.

The hard questions on behalf of me are what will I do if say, if I were to have a daughter/son that's attending a youth group that teaches their role in society is strictly governing the private sphere. I believe this can be a really damaging philosophy for a young adult to hear- would I forbid them from attending the group? Or would I merely guarantee they had alternative activities that strengthened countervailing values like Model U.N. or involvement in student government? I am inclined to assume the later. However, either approach, I in all probability wouldn't be hands off.

But once they're adults, I will be able to do my best invariably to prioritise maintaining sturdy relationships even if they're creating decisions I strongly disagree with.


Wow! Thanks so much for this awesome post. I have learn a lot. Thumbs up to you.

We can Influence children by making our-self as role model. We need to do what is good for them and we surely need frequent conversation... if we do this.. They get self motivation and with inspiration they do every works...

As a parent you have quite a bit influence on your kids, so I it a big responsability. I only try to direct my kids and let them (under some supervision) make there own funded choices. I would never pressure them into some kind of religion but won't stop or turn them down if they would. In modern nowadays world, they are almost obligated to be adults already in their young life. So I will guide and support them with all I can, but accept choices when they make them other than I would do...

Nice post. Something I think about a lot with my 4 year old son. And it's sick how much influence you have as a parent, and how much they listen and learn (at least he does) when you take the time to explain things to them.

I know and notice so many people never really listen to their children. Don't let them decide anything. They're just dragged along. I believe that is really damaging to the development of their "self" and the image of who they are. When you're not allowed to decide anything or have an can you really learn who you are in relation to others?

I also struggle a lot with the indoctrination that I all ready can see happen in kindergarden. It's not bad yet, but I've all ready started to unschool him.

The other day one of the women who works there told another kid that didn't finish his meal that "think about the children in africa". She told me sort of proudly that she thought it seemed like the children really got it!

These kind of people work in kindergardens in Norway..sickening. She managed to shame a 3 or 4 year old kid in order to eat his food.

I talked about this incident with my son, and bright as he is, he understood that he shouldt feel responsible for the fact that some kids in other countries don't have food. And I asked you think that the child in africa would get food just because you finished yours? And he laughed and said no. So all ready he is light years ahead of most adults who believe economy is a zero sum game ;)

If home schooling or other alternative ways of doing it didn't have such a bad reputation here in fact so bad that you actually risk losing your kid to the children services - we would definitely have chosen to do that. But nothing would be worse than getting the children services on your back. So you play along..and try to re-educate your child at home.

Yes, this is Norway.