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RE: ...

in #philosophy7 years ago

I want to start this looong comment of mine saying thank you to go into such subjects, and also thank you for inspiring me to write this comment that I’d probably transform into a post of my own now :))

I’m pretty sure we are having a big impact on others based on our vibration, the quality of the energy waves that we emit in the wild where others live :) This is coming from a person who’s not so sure about many things. I’d say the only thing I am certain about is the utter uncertainty of everything.

Getting back to our influence on others, I made a little experiment one day, nothing planned, it just happened to cross my mind at the right time. I was sitting in my room on the edge of the bed (well, this is not the most accurate location but I can’t say here exactly where I was, haha) when my dog just appeared on the hall in frond of the door. We looked at each other and she started to behave like most of the dogs do when they are happy: she started to wag her tail and make different postures like she was preparing to jump. All this time I was just looking at my dog without moving, without changing my facial expression (as much as I am aware of) but just having a really nice and light, happy inner state I was consciously sending towards her.

Now the real experiment begins: I said to myself: let’s shift this the other way around just to see what happens, if anything at all. So I started thinking about bad, ugly things that made me sad and angry. I did it so much that my mood changed dramatically and almost suddenly, while my body was also feeling the effect: my head started to feel a bit fuzzy, my sight was changed as well being razor sharp and extremely focused, shivers started going up my back from the sacrum to my cervical area and then spreading to my arms. My entire body was suddenly feeling a subtle shivering that emerged from the inside and was pouring towards the skin. While being in this state, I was constantly trying not to change anything in my physical appearance so I didn’t move at all with my body or with my face muscles trying as much as I could to keep the exactly same posture and facial expression. I started to focus even more on my dog sending all this stuff towards her almost physically feeling how everything is thrown towards her. The dog suddenly changed the attitude, behaving a bit confused at the beginning, she stopped jumping and waving her tail in the air and adopting more and more a submissive attitude. In a few seconds she was completely laid on the floor staring at me and starting to express nervousness and fear. She started barking at me then in a few more seconds she was slowly retreating with her face towards me, not turning her back to me. Then she suddenly ran to the other room where her safe place was. I continued to stay there for a couple more seconds just to clean this mess and go back to my good, loving mood then I wen to the other room. She was expecting me there, still scared of me… I’ve never seen her so scared, not even when a big dog attacked her. She was shaking a bit like she had a shock. I went slowly towards her to give some comfort and love while apologising at the same time. We’re still friends don’t worry :) This only lasted a few dozens of seconds but the impact was so heavy… Imagine what we are doing to other and ourselves when staying angry with somebody for years sometimes

Well now, I don’t claim this is a scientific experiment or so, let alone to prove anything, however I tried it once with my girlfriend’s dog….same result. Maybe there are other explanations and I’m happy to hear everybody’s opinion about it. Please don’t worry about the dog, she’s fine, I am an animal lover since birth :)))

Meet Sofie:



You should read The Intention Experment by Lynne McTaggart. Curently reading it now and basically, it proves scientifically that our intention (thoughts) affects other living things - including other people.

I also have first hand experience of this because I was energy healed from 1000 miles away :)

Everything is connected and thoughts are things which can affect the whole planet, as we are one living orgnism.

Thanks for the suggestion! I will check it.