I still can't believe how many anti corruption/liberty types and otherwise good people have been tricked by Trump.
I've seen so many people claiming he's a good guy and he's fighting against the secret societies and that they're going to try to assasinate him..
And I'm just like.. How can you believe that? HOW? Are you serious? Are you really serious?
Apparently the reason they claim this, and this is the best answer I've got out of most of them..
Is that.. The media says bad stuff about him all the time, so if the media is saying bad stuff about him, then it must mean the opposite and that he's a good guy!
I don't need those on television who are telling visions to tell me shit.
The opinion of talking heads on corrupt media means virtually nothing to me.
They say whatever the ef they are paid to say.
Now. Stop and critically think for just a moment. You're suppose to be mostly conspiracy types, anti government, freedom people.
Is it possible that Trump is getting bad media coverage in order to generate the kind of thoughts you are generating?
Maybe they want you to think he's a good guy and that the corrupt media is against him?
Have you thought of that possibility before? Cause it took me about 2 seconds to think of.
Like.. Why would you base your opinions off of what the corrupt media is doing? They are brainwashing you.
Whether they like or hate Trump is irrelevant. Look at his history, look at all the innocent people he has murdered for the military industrial complex already.
Look at how he flip flopped and lied about virtually every subject and championed murdering and torturting innocent people.
See how the Rothschild's helped bankroll him, see how he partied with the Clinton's many many many many times.
See how he admitted to buying out politicians when he was running.
Look at his body language, look into his eyes.. Do you see much of a soul there? I don't.
I don't need the media saying bad things about him or good thigns about him to look at him as a human being and his history and what he has done and realize he's one of them.
It's obvious, I've been saying this for a long time since before he even got elected.
How can you still think he's a good guy and fighting the secret societies when he's mass murdering innocent people around the world for those same secret societies?
I mean what the fuck?
I literally don't understand how anyone could look at Trump and think.. "That's a good guy! He's fighting for the good of all and me and he cares about me and the world"
He's not fighting for you, he doesn't give a fuck about you. He gives a fuck about money and power and his own personal pleasure and just about whatever it takes to get those things.
Please spare me your bullshit about how he's secretly fighting the government and the secret societies especially when I haven't heard one fucking peep out of him about the 9/11 files he promised to release.
I just couldn't make it through all your article with the wishy washy nature of it. The truthful way to look at his Presidency is "Actions + Results". He's doing what he said on many fronts, but trying to fight both the Dems + Reps means they have loyalty to something other than the American People.
Why'd you even comment if you didn't read it?
You sound like you're an insecure Trump supporter if you can't even read the article and then claim your version is more truthful.. I dunno what to even say to that. Maybe if you got to the last line in my article you could respond as to why Trump hasn't released the 9/11 files he promised to. But.. I doubt that matters or the 8 year old American girl he murdered with his first military strike or all the other innocent people.. No.. You don't seem to care what the military industrial complex does, and to me.. That seems like the most wishy washy position here. You have no backbone in regards to resisting immorality, you defend and apologize for the murder of children by our government and Trump and the military. You are wishy washy, you are another servant for corruption because you defend it.
glad to see you get some rage out there displaying what's real to you.
on the end i say only that i dont like trump really bcz his attitude is some nonsence and i dont like this and some time his face imprssions otherwise no any reason and one think i note that trump make strong the us economy
hahahaha i Enjoy this,,,,
Trump be like
When I took the The Political Compass quiz, I tested smack in the middle of left hand territory. Not quite Anarchist as I believe in some sort of order. (Chaos may be a ladder, but it is not a sound enough structure to build upon.) I self-identify as more of a democratic socialist. That said, 45 hasn't done anything but try to funnel as much money as he can to his businesses and those of his children. It's all a sham. The only favor he did do us - if you can really call it a favor - is he has us talking with each other about the issues that are important. Politics were taboo, and that was the problem. Not enough people talking about it. Not enough people thinking critically about it. I have likened 45s supporters to those stuck in Plato's Cave, who refused to see things as they really are. They prefer to be spoon fed their 'alternative truths' from the talking heads. 45 played to their ignorance. Got what he wanted, and now we are all paying the price.
Thanks for posting this particular article. Whatever gets us talking, right? I hope others read it and take the time to respond as well.
ps thanks for the upvote!