Rule by secrecy.

in #philosophy8 years ago

Gets rather old seeing all the slaves bicker over their fake puppet president and barely ever seeing anyone discuss the deep state and shadow government.
Continuance of government, see.. There's a whole secret government that superceeds the wag the dog fake professional wrestling one you see.
Really.. It's becoming rather embarrassing to see so many people caught up in these obvious engineered illusions to such an incredible level.

Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on people cause while I've known this kind of stuff deep down on an intuitive level and I've always been suspicious..
It didn't totally sink in until a couple years ago, and I've researched it furiously like most people can not or will not do.
So.. To me it's so fucking obvious, but I realize for many others.. It's not only not obvious, someone who claims such things is often seen as crazy or whatever.

And who knows what is sane anyways, I'm not pretending to know what that is or that I am sane.. And I would without much argument accept the term crazy as long as it's not used in a really negative insulting way, lol.
But whatever the case, I realize there's a big gap here between what is obvious to me and what might be ridiculous or even a joking matter to others.
Though it's not a joking matter, it's very serious, I think it's probably the biggest threat we face as a "FREE" species.
The secrecy is too much, we need to shine more light on what these corrupt people are doing in the shadows, or it's going to really fuck us over.
They have their tentacles almost everywhere, and they want as much power as they can get and they don't mind doing horribly immoral things to get what they want.

In my opinion.. All roads lead through them, they are the gate keepers.. If you don't wake up to the reality of the secret societies and occult influence and the "shadow state"..
Then you're missing one of the most important areas if not the most important in my opinion.

I used to think there was enough public easily provable stuff wrong to focus on that going into the shadows was a waste of time.
I was wrong, it's the most important thing. Everything makes so much more sense when you start to get into the minds of these people more.
Knowing how they think to the degree that is possible, is one of the most vital things.

Please don't avoid occult subjects just cause it's weird or you think there's plenty to focus on elsewhere.
It's one of the most important things in my opinion to reduce the secrecy.
Almost all of the wars and loss of rights and assassinations and destroyed economies and enslaved peoples, animals as well, it almost all ties back to them at some level.
This is the system they have created, almost like in the Matrix.. They created most of these things people believe in DOWN to the very words!

Kay this rant is getting a bit long and the longer I rant the less feedback I tend to get, so I'ma try to end this soon.
In summary.. I'm not going to say that learning about the public image of the system is worthless, it's good to know certain things about the public image of politics.
You should be well rounded and know all that stuff as well, BUT.. If you get lost there and that's all you know and you never go into the occult or secret society territory.. I'd say you're probably not even getting half of the picture.
You're probably getting like.. 10-20% of the picture, or less.

A lot of people think their vote matters, but I've never met someone who could prove it. And I've asked a LOT of people.
So.. Why are so many people focusing on these bought and paid for scapegoats when no one can even prove their vote means anything?!
If you really start to think about it, it's fucking insane. Not only can no one prove their vote means anything, there's a lot of evidence it doesn't.
And it's admitted there's a whole secret government that mirrors the public one, that means a shadow congress, a shadow senate, a shadow president.
Why the shit does no one talk about that?!

Additionally most modern presidents have gone through Bohemian Grove and one even credited that secret society with him becoming president.
And he said anyone can become president of the US, only a few can become president of the Bohemian Club..
That was Nixon, a former president has told us that there is a secret society position that is more prestigious than the president of the US..
sigh Yet all these people, arguing about fucking this president or that president or this political party or that one..
It's all fucking rigged, it's a sham, there's no use trying to repair a system built upon immorality.
Unjust force = wrong, government = a monopoly of force that is most often unjust.

You might be asking.. What do we do with no presidents or governments?
My answer... Rule yourself. Get to know other people, talk to them, develop relationships.. Agree on things voluntarily. Create consensual communities and societies.
Eventually we will probably have to confront those in power, if we try to become more free. Cause they want to control us. They admit this in their parties and speeches at the Grove.
And if or when that happens.. I dunno what to say, I can't give advice for anyone there. Each person has to figure that part out for themselves.
You have to figure out where your own line in the sand is, no one else can do that for you.


Good to see others that are waking up to the real world.
The shadow government and the media traitors are the biggest threat to our free planet.
We must find a way to wake up more people and shine light on this problem.
Following @apolymask

Thanks for your thoughts/observations and yeah I agree, we need to find a way to network better to resist them. So I'm definitely following you back!