Interesting observations. In a lot of cultures the moon is actually seen as feminine and the sun as masculine. It's interesting how it varies though and it's not always the case, I'm not totally sure what to think about giving gender to non biological beings, however... I do find it interesting sometimes how certain people in the occult or other spiritual practices can turn point out how certain rocks are masculine and certain water is masculine while others are feminine and it is a really interesting subject, though once again... I dunno the 100% truth there.
What you mentioned about the eclipse is intriguing... Perhaps that is what is happening... Perhaps we have to go through some darkness before the light comes back out?
Sometimes I wonder if there are certain sorts of cycles that are set into motion regardless of what humans do and I wonder if perhaps there's some kind of deeper force at play than just human nature. Reminds me of the Star Wars movies kinda... And lotsa weird occult stuff going on with those movies too. Life is strange sometimes!
I also like what you said about nature sort of providing clues for us... The more I learn about life the more I think that's a real good possibility! Good to see you writing again. :) Peace bud.
I am not sure if you're aware of this, but in the Old Testament, humanity is considered the wife of God, and in the New Testament, some teachings say that the human body, represents the bride of the spirit of Christ. So perhaps in some manner, the ancient teachings of the masculinity of the Sun and the femininity of the Moon, are communicating the same idea. Though I still consider the bible to be intentionally confusing, which is probably why the word sounds so similar to babble; to talk continuously in a non-coherent manner.
As I understand it, at least in the teachings of the Kabbalah, Fire and Air are seen as male forces, while Water and Earth are seen as feminine ones. While the reasoning behind these decisions does indeed make sense, we have to remember that it is most likely nothing more than men trying to make sense of their environment. And that if we chose to, and if it helped us to paint a picture of existence we felt comfortable with, we could rationalise fire as being hermaphrodite energy and water as being Llama energy. lol. At the end of the day, we get to decide the manner in which we view our environment.
I do think there are cycles that occur that we are largely ignorant towards. At the moment, there is all this talk of global warming, and many people believe that the governments of the world have supreme control over the weather. While I do think it exceptionally likely that they're able to manipulate the weather to a minor degree, I think that largely what is happening, is that another cycle is coming to an end and a new one beginning.
I say this because, in the bible, it speaks of something called a Jubilee. Which is essentially, a type of reset, involving money, that takes place every.. I think it is 150 years. I am too lazy to look it up right now. But the point of it is, and the idea is a great one, to minimise the desire in men to acquire extreme wealth or to attempt to own everything so they can leave it to their descendants. Considering empires are largely built upon who controls the food supply, I think the Solar Minimum said to be occurring at present, is not an accident, but a Solar Jubilee of sorts. And that the point of it, is so that places that were once the most fertile for growing food will soon become deserts, and places that were previously deserts, will soon become the most fertile places to grow food.
I suspect right now that there are a minimum of two factions attempting to preempt this Solar Jubilee, having knowledge of it in advance. The recent allocation of the land of "Israel," seems to be one side of this, and if you look it up, you will see that there is already greenery emerging in the region. But, others may seek to become the controllers of the food supply by creating synthetic food and GMO plants that can grow in harsh terrains.
This is all of course speculation, but I do think that empires are not supposed to, nor wanted by nature to endure, and that there is mechanism to ensure that they fall, so that one country or government cannot control the Earth indefinitely unchallenged.