Define intelligence.
Last I heard there about 14 different measurable forms of what could be called intelligence. How many does the simple IQ test account for?
-Would this be the only measure of potential success?
-Would this be an indication of some sort of superiority even if it were the case?
-There is no simple answer to this question.
-West Africans are among the highest earners in the US when they immigrate here along with east asians, jews, and a whole other slew of non white "races."
-This really is a subject most people dont want to dare touch, but why shouldnt it be discusssed in a civil manner?
Am I supposed to be offended and butthurt that east asians and jews score higher on IQ than those of so called white ethnicities, that I through no intent or effort of my own am lumped in with?
Why shouldn't I be looking at the most sucessful members of society and trying their methods of life, culture, and values?
Wow, I look forward to the day people like you become the majority on the planet. We are all robbed of learning from the tried and proven methods of successful cultures because people with an inferiority complex feel a need to constantly look for ways to proclaim themselves: the smartest, the best looking, the most everything.