
Like the fundamental..

WIthout logic you can't build onto logic.. so there has to be a base upon it's all built..

And I think that is the gene.

You can also often hear things like outside == inside; fractals, everything is within.
I agree with that.
Everything is within us. Everything we need.
Cuz the genes were just built for us and improved. Over a fucking long time.
And everything is safed in them. Not only the good strategies.
And logic is a product of all these safed information in ur gene..

The learning/ conditionizing, that you've mentioned, happens afterwards.
Especially while we grow up until our 8th yr we believe fucking everything.
And being grown up in a blue pill matrix just hijacks your logic.
You wanna be like a hollywood princ or princess.. ;)

It's like the intuition you've mentioned. You normally know what's right. You can trust the feelin in your belly.
But this intuition is being corrupted cuz the authorities are teaching you bs. :)

I think the most I can grant you is that there is intuition, and intuition is a good tool for getting a vibe from a person, and deciding whether to trust them or not... but there are very serious dangers out there, where the right thing to do to stay alive is very counter-intuitive.