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RE: Why I gave up Christianity

in #philosophy8 years ago

Dan, I can follow your reasoning very well. I no longer attend church or am affiliated with any religion. I am a recovering evangelical. I do, however, still talk to Jesus and God. I believe in God and I believe in Jesus and I am saddened to see how his love and wisdom is perverted in the social/political club known as church. (but that's another topic for another day) And God is rational and orderly. Chaos is not of God.

What really resonated with me was your statement, "I just don’t trust anyone but God to deliver the message." In my life God HAS sometimes used people to deliver his message but those people were unaware they were doing so. Sometimes they were not even believers in God. As a rule, anyone telling me they have a message for me from God, well, I simply do not believe them. My experience is that they have an agenda and it may or may not be for my good. Usually not so much. God knows that I won't trust them so he won't be using them.

Thank you for sharing your philosophy. I appreciate your transparency.