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RE: Intuition: Gold or Venom ?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Interesting invitation, Michael... :)
I kinda think intuition is just a 'feeling' that you need to do something... go a certain direction... or not do something others think is must-do. Or a 'feeling' like a bad omen of something bad that's about to happen - no reason or rhyme, just is. Sometimes common sense will argue with intuition, to say your intuition makes no sense. I like to call it gut feel. With some things it is strong - no denying it; some it is just a light feeling. I think it is gold if you know you can trust it - say, from previous incidences or proven track record... Venomous if you rush headlong into things when/if it has been proven wrong more than once before. Hope I'm making sense to you... :) But that's exactly it - intuition isn't supposed to make sense!