Motherhood ain't an easy obligation. Everyday you gotta deal with daily tiring routine. Some of the days they give you head aches, and some days they give you so much joy! Despite of all the hardship from pregnancy to labor, to sleeplessness at night, all of those are earned in exchange for love. A pure love that nobody elses could give.
A relationship between a mother and children can be extra-special, that nobody else can break its tie. Believe me, you would love it everyday of your life. You will have reasons to live, to love and be loved.
The days they were born was the most difficult days of my life but I consider it as the most fruitful and rewarding days. Yes, they gave me so much pain, a pain that makes me love them even more. Soon they would grow up to be my buddies and my bestfriends, by then they could be the persons I would need most. And I will forever praise God for this wonderful blessings!

Being mother is not an easy job.
Real thing sis! 😊 but this is all God's blessings!
A kind of profession that no degree required just only LOVE!
True sis..paid by love..😊
Being a mother is such the hardest thing BUT the greatest thing u can be..
So proud of u.. Happy to see you with ur kids..
Thank you Sis..😊😊😊
Mother is the most wonderful gift that God gave
Truely sis.
A good mother and cute children
Thank you.😊😊😊
MYMP. Thanks for sharing. 😍
Welcome sis..😊😊😊
A situation a real mother can understand :)
Truely.. They would fully understand if they are mothers too..
true...i can attest to that...salute
Enjoy the privilege @triggerlove2009. Thrice the love. 😍