In Search

in #philippines6 years ago (edited)


These are some Compilations of the work of @stbrians at

1. In Search.....

In search, searching and searching
Am in search
In the search for things too many.
I search for peace
And searching for love.
I searched for pleasure
And none did I receive.

I received hate and war.
Nobody ever did me, love.
So desperate I became
In my search for many things.
Yet I searched on.

I ran after money
Yet it evaded me all along.
My search for perfection
Yielded imperfection
And I kept on searching.
Soon I will fall dead
And stop all my searching
Without finding anything.

2. They Fly Like Fireflies

What have you spied lately?
Nice posts that look stately.
SEO oriented posts so elegantly.
Bloggers blogging so passionately.
You see them engage superbly.

You have seen them all online.
They have towed a superb line.
And given you their best dine.
In posts flowered with the leaves of pine.
They do not fall any short of shine.
They are as salty as brine.
And sugary like sweet cane.
They all came ashine.

How I wish such ability to possess.
Fine writing in the platform pass.
Am looking for articles full of finese.
For flowery writing with success.
I seek attractive content to release.
Great artistry portrayed without any mess.
That is what I want to confess.

Water may flow in a valley.
Yet bad people hide in an alley.
Frequent water wash and create such a big gulley.
Yet a good writer will leave a mark that pulls like a pulley.
He never lives for his belly.
But history he leaves like jelly.
Great posts come like in a rally.

3. Wisdom That Was

The old man stared fixedly at me as he adjusted his robe.
His eyes gazed deep into my soul as if in a heavy probe.
My eyes involuntarily dropped as the stare did my confidence rob.
Heavily my heart in my ribcage did like an earthquake throb.
My trembling prevented the escape of my suppressed sob.

The old man cleared his throat noisily.
"One thing only is given to all equally.
Light may be equal but in some shines dismally.
Air may be the same but some areas is partially.
Yet time to all is given equally.
Some use it specially.
Others use it carelessly.
And life goes on continually."

The old man filled his pipe.
His hand flew and killed a fly in one swipe.
Never in life did I meet a person of his type.
He waited for a moment to become ripe.
Then from his eyes a tear he did wipe.

"Managing your time well is success.
A poor manager failure after failure he faces.
Your management may make one a wreck and in a mess.
Another is full of success with no remorse.
What one confesses is what they possess."


Then followed deep silence.
The silence was such an offence.
Granddad left me with no defence.
I was left hanging on a fence.
Yet he slept and the silence was immence.
I cried bitterly at once.

Time and tide waits for no man.
It neither spares a woman.
Days may be short and nights long in a lifespan,
Yet time is equal in moon or sun.
Don't laze or be on the run.
Use the time as well as you can.

4 And They Lived Happily Ever After

The croacking of frogs was heard in the distance. Njoki, a seven year old girl, was awakened from a deep afteenoon nap.

"Njoki, Njoki Njokiiiiiiiiii," the wind seemed to whisper her name repeatedly.

She stood up. Her gaze moved from one corner of the bush to the next. What was happening with her?

The sun shone brightly over her pigtails as if demons were punishing her for one mistake or the other. She, together with others had gone to fetch firewood. She realized rather than saw an old woman brandishing a wand over her eyes. She was hypnotized and soon fell asleep. Who told her to wander away from the others?

Now she was awake and there was nobody in sight.

Suddenly there was what she thought was lightening. Something dropped and fell on her shoulders.

A shawl..........!

In a shake of a lambs tail, Njoki was shining like emerald. As she stood amazed, a prince on a white horse emerged.

Njoki started to run to escape from the magic that was unfolding before her very eyes.

Yet walls sprung from around her and enclosed them together with the prince.

"Will you marry me!" The prince told her as he removed a glittering ring.

"No! Am only a baby girl of seven years," Njoki pleaded.

There was music and dancing all around her. The young girl looked shocked. Then to her amazement an old woman aooeared in the sky waving a wand. One by one those who were dancing disappeared including the prince.

The young girl was left standing there lonely as before. The shawl was gone and she was in her old clothes. Yet the old woman still lingered in the sky waving her wand.

"You are now betrothed my daughter. Emir is your future husband. Take care of yourself till you gtow up and marry my Emir." The old woman chanted in a metallic voice.

No sooner had she said that than she cracked a whip.

Njoki floated in air and soon landed in their home. She started weeping uncontollably.

Nobody really knew what magic had haooened to her. She however could not bring herself to tell them.

That happened once upon a time in a tiny village called Itandalo. Yet now Njoki is Mrs Emir and the queen of Dangane Kingdom. The old lady who can play magic is her mother-in-law. She has taught her how to do magic.

Njoki and Emir live happily in their kingdom. They have given birth to many children and have grandchildren.

..........The End

5. Poverty Is Not Criminal

Moustafa was an orphan boy who lived from hand to mouth. His poverty drove him into borrowing from neighbor to neighbor. At times he received alms but others showed him a cold shoulder. No, his road was thorny, hard and rough.

Moustafa never knew who fathered him. His ailing mom had never revealed this to him. The boy lacked the luxary of going to school unlike the children of his age. At the age of seven years, Moustafa had to toil and sweat to feed his sick mom. If he happened to get even the tinniest morsel, he shared it with her mom. Fautima was fully dependable upon his son. She could not walk as she was paralyzed from waste downwards. In addition to fending for her, Moustafa was supposed to take her to the toilet to answer the call of nature and prepare water and assist her to wash.

This however ended one evening. The boy had looked futelessly for food. As he strolled laboriously to his home, his thoughts were about what he will tell his farmished mother. He had found no food.

His frantic knocks at the door were unanswered. It was latched from inside and he could not be able to enter. He wondered why his mom was not opening.

He went behind the hut and to his relief, he found the window open. Through it he jumped into the hut. He froze at the sight which greeted him. His dear mom was hanging uoside down in a barrel of water. She might have wanted some water when she plunged into the drum head first.

The young man tried to pull her out without any success. He then summoned all the strength he could get and pushed the barrel down. It fell spilling all the water all over the room. The lifeless body of Moustafa's momma fell out effortlessly. The boy weeped sadly as he clutched the lifeless body of his mother.

Moustafa had often wondered why they were treated like outcasts in their locality. They had no friends and were often treated like shit. He wondered about this remorsefully as he clutched the drenched lifeless body of his mom in his hands. That body was what he cared for as if his whole life depended on it. He finally fell to sleep out of exhaustion.

In the morning, he was forced to seen for help to bury his mom. It was just a miserable cobbler who came to his rescue. They shallowly dug a hole that will make the final resting place for his mom.

"I know your mother was a good woman. She was humble and kindhearted. It beats me why she was levelled a witch in this community," Ali Yousuf, the cobbler said musingly.

Moustafa was shocked beyond words. A heavy lump slithed bubblingly from his chest and finally settled in his throat. He felt rather than saw the ground coming to hit his face. He passed out.

When he came to his senses, he was alone in the hut. Ali Yousuf just carried him to the hut and disappeared

"How could they isolate them so badly on mere speculation." He asked himself.

Moustafa knew his mother as the most loving woman she had ever come across. Despite being an invalid, she tried her best to help him. At times she could crawl on the ground to help wash his clothes. She was kind too.

Her teachings became live in his mind. They were like a treasure to be embraced forever.

"My son, do not ever hold any grudge on anybody. It does not make you any different if you revenge. Do the difference of what people expect you to do. Assist those in need even if what you have is little. There is only one person who will reward you; it is God who will reward you....."

She could not continue amid the loud sobs of his son. Moustafa regretted why he did not wait for her to finish before breakng down. His anguish-filled heart throbbed painfully


6. Finally

The lawnmower needed fixing. Something was damnly wrong with it.

No sooner had Dawson opened the shed than he was confronted by a hissing viper.

Springing into action he bolted to the door which slammed in his face. It hit him hard.

Down he fell onto the deadly serpent.


7. Lightning Quickness

Ogundipe found himself staring into the muzzle of a .45 automatic riffle.

"Say your last word," said a guttural rusty voice.

The assaillant dimly floated into Ogundipe's visage, a hazy figure with face blocked by unkempt beards.

Brushing the danger aside, Ogundipe was airborne flooring his adversity with a single kick.

8. The Rainbow

Different shades of color were fleeting by.

The sun was playing its tricks between droplets if water in the sky.








Some were just shades.

She jumped joyfully and settled in the shade of a tree.

Time to relax and shade in her artbook.

9. Tough Times

Sometimes the road gets rough
It is bumby and rumbly and tough
You barely make it or reach any joy or laugh
What can you do but fart and cough?
Away you get to straighten joints so stiff.

Life reaches a period hard to pass
It is a time one yearns for a recess
The dollars are so meagre to access
You wonder where finances have gone time to pass
It is time one gets a holiday to possess.

How do you get success? At times it seems hard to access.
Everybody may have abandoned you in a mess.
The measure is too hard to possess
You realize the olden days you do miss.

Away you go on a journey
Yet you are scarce of precious money
Everything seems funny and phoney
It is as if the world has crumbled on our honey.
You come back like a person mad and loony.
Success is too hard to possess.


10. I want to laugh

I feel to laugh.
To laugh and puff.
Till I pant and puff.
Life can be tough.
Clear all the chaff.
And have a big laugh.

I want to laugh.
My birthday comes with a cough.
June 23rd comes with a loaf.
That is why I laugh.


11. After Night Comes Day

After night comes day.
It seems night has taken too long.
Night is normally crowded with pitch darkness.
Darkness spells a lot of evils.
Witches and evil spirits are rife.

In the night, sickness normally increases. Any pain you were feeling often increases in intensity.
Fear grips many people.
They fear any evil that lurks in dark corners.
Darkness is normally for thieves, prostitutes and evil people.
Other people unless the ailing enjoy their sleep.
Others become active in making of babies.

Yet, the day has dawned at long last.
We have come out of darkness.
There is no longer evil lurking in the shadows.

At night people who are asleep are half dead.
They may not be able to experience whatever goes on round them.
Deep sleep always is accompanied by dreams.
Dreams are are movies in which you are an actor or actress.
You are the producer too.

Yet, day has finally dawned.
We are in the light.
Our spirits are back in our bodies.
We need to function.
We need to face life.
All the wickedness have gone into hiding. They are waiting to come up at night.

Wake up. Arise!
Do it before night comes.
Seek your blessings.
Demand God's favor.
There are things the devil has wanted to deny you all this years.
He has never wanted you to work and get rewarded for it.
He has never wanted to see you smile.
Yet at long last, day has dawned.
It is time to recover what you lost.

You can work again.
Promotion is in the lurking.
Power is yours for the taking.
You can smile again.
You can love again.
For light has come.
Bathe in its glory.
Dance in its illumination. Walk without stumbling.
There are no shadows in the dark.

Light is here with us.
It is day again.
Avoid laziness.
Shun evil thoughts.
Never be angry and vexed.
For day has come.
Light is here with us.
Achieve what you never thought is achievable.
Attain what you never dreamt is attainable.
Day has come with new tidings.
It has dawned with new promises.
Not promises of evil but of hope.
Hope for a bright future. A future quite promising.

It is a new dawn.
A bright dawn.
A dawn quite promising and relaxing. There will no longer be darkness. Suffering is there no more.
Rejoice in the new day.
Be happy in the new light.
Life is worth rejoicing in the NEW DAY.


12. Was I Late?

An early bird surely mauls the worm.
One should be early then.
Not late.

So I was late.
I was late to to many things.
All the good posts were posted.
Then I came in late and had nothing to post.

It was late.
I had to blubber.
I ended up a crude copycat.


13. Whoever Thought

Whoever thought that they will fly smoothly through life were wrong afterall. You have your zenith and ebbs to reckon with. That is life!

Not All Fingers Are Equal On A Single Hand
That hand happens to be a member of the same body. Yet some finger is long while the other is too short. Generally we have people of different calibres too. Months of the same year are at times long and short too. There are also some days which are longer than others. That is life!

A human life has different phases too. There are phases when life sails smoothly while other phases you are too low. Different people have different phases depending on their birthdate. While dome may experience challenges in June, others will experience their own challenges in different months.

Machinery And Companies Have Phases Too
Depending on the manufacture date, machinery too might experience own problems and phases. Companies and sites are not left behind also.

The Silliest And Worst Thing That You Can Ever Do In Life: An Antidote For Excelling In Life

The Silliest Of Thoughts
It is silly to think that most of the people in the world are superior to you and that you are inferior to them. Every human being is worth in his or her own way. There is something that you do that no other person can. You are superior in a certain field. You may be the biggest gosdiper in the community. Or you may be the laxiest person in the community. You can see that you have the superlative adjective there.

What remains is how you can use the gossipping and laziness to your advantage. Can you earn honestly from these activities you are good at? If you cannot, shun them and cultivate other positive traits.

We Cannot All Be Excellent In The Same Fields
It is not possible for all of us to be masons. Who will then use the services of the other. Likewise we cannot all be doctors. We shall lack food because there will be no farmers. It is thererore wise for each person to seek for a field he can excel in. We need writers, groundsmen, teachers, mortuary attendants, entrepreneurs, toilet cleaners, CEO,s and all professions under the sun.

We cannot be one profession. Each person should seek what he does well. Opportunities are many and one should grab them. Will you be the first person to set foot on mars? If there is no oxygen can you look for ways to create oxygen there?
If that is big for you then look where you fit. Always move with your ears on the ground. All discoveries are not exhausted. You can discover a new food recipe and sell it. You can design CVTV buttons and sell them. You can design a new effective teaching method. The list is inexhaustible.

They All Went Different Directions
Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. That was a great discovery. Yet all people cannot struggle to rediscover the same electricity. That is why Internet protocol suite was developed by Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf in the 1970s. Billy Haetes might have discovered microsoft but he never closed doors for Ned Scotts and Dan Larimer to discover steemit.


14. A Phantom Nation

Its a phantom nation
A tragic experiment
Waiting to implode
Because of the quicksand
That’s it’s foundation
It’s not if…..
But when it’ll implode
There’s no nation here!

As communities
We’re incompatible
Sounds hollow
Emphasis on tribe
Makes us unstable
Vociferous evil spirits on social media
Aggravate the bad scenario
There’s no nation here!

We slaughter each other
At the drop of a hat
Our national anthem
Is just a song
In most of our minds
But it’s a prayer
We absent mindedly chant
Without listening
To the magic words
There’s no nation here!

Where’s the God of all creation
In this ungodliness?
Where’s the shield of justice
In this unfairness?
Where’s the plenty within our borders
In this hunger?
Where’s the dwelling in unity
In this division ?
This loveless existence ?
This hatred?
There’s no nation here!

Leaders are such a scandal
To the utmost degree
They’re thrust to a carefree world
By their own inclination
They’re wicked without shame
They whore on
Without punishment
In the legislature
Virtue is despised
And all vice encouraged
A Sodom of a universe
With notorious corruption of manners
There’s no nation here!

We’re are a nation
Of hopeless fatalities
Our bonds are fragile
Premised on convenience
Devoid of basics
That make a people one
A nation jaded and devided
Than any time in recent memory
We’re a desperate conglomeration
Of people called tribes
Cohesion is a pipe dream
We’re forever uneasy folks
Lumped together!!!!
There’s no nation here

A nation of extraordinary inequalities
A nation of two economies
One for the few who’ve so much
In their tiny islands of prosperity
And the other for the many
Who’ve so little
In their vast ocean of poverty
A nation cut into two
The gleaming leafy neighbourhoods on one hand
And the poverty stricken slums and countryside villages on the other
There’s no nation here!

Two nations in one
Living side by side
Living separate lives
Born in different hospitals
Live in separate neighborhoods
Riding separate modes of transport
Drinking from separate water fountains
Attending separate schools
Simply apartheid in all but name
With the select few
Living in gated manicured mansions
With tables of plenty
And the majority
In the infamed shanties
Of low self esteem
A world of inhuman poverty
There’s no nation here!

15. My mom and I


It is not I who is high.
Never had I ever been nigh.
None ought ask me why.
For it is my mom and I.
That raised our business so high.

Mom and I worked so hard.
Though I was then a tiny lad.
It was our business we needed so bad.
I feel no remourse and neither am I sad.
Mom and I worked so hard.

Mom went so soon.
I grieved and was in a trance and swoon.
I was in a stupor like a loon.
Like a baby I was fed on a spoon.
Mom went so soon.

The business started to crumble.
Customers began to grumble.
My mom was missed in a rumble.
Life on me did crave and stumble.
Mom why did you like a cookie crumble?
You and I had success not shumble.

If in life had one wish.
Without her I seem foolish.
With her business would have had to flourish.
Am sure I will be with great nourish.
Now I stink like fish.
I dwindle like a sweet dish.

16. On The Fence


On the fence.....
Lies my whole life.
Do I know whether I live or am dead.
Am just on the fence.
Especially when I sleep.
I keep on bouncing on the fence.
One time am alive.
Other times am dead.
I dangle in between.
Do you really know this?
One time you will not wake up.

Am on the fence...
On the fence of love.
Seasons of love keep changing.
One time I feel loved.
Other times seems as hate is everywhere.
Nobody seems to love me.
Am on the fence of love.

Am on the fence...
The fence between adulthood and childhood.
Sometimes I feel like a child.
I want to play in mud.
I want to cry for what I want.
I need to be pampered.
Yet the adulthood disturb me.
I should take responsibility.
Am on the fence.

Am on the fence....
The fence of everything....

17. When Satisfied

When satisfied
You are happy

When satisfied
You are contended

When satisfied
You are overjoyed

When satisfied
You oass it on others

When will you be satisfied?
In death you need nothing more.

Before that
The eye will not be satisfied to see

The ear
Will not be satisfied to hear

The mouth
Will not be satisfied to eat

And the stomach
Will never be full.

By @stbrians