Their constitution really needs to be amended. Since the constitution is making divorce extremely difficult, it’ll be encouraging extra marital affairs, even among the So called religious men and women. When a man is involved in adulterous act, who will judge him?
Is it the judge, who is involved in the same act and has not been revealed yet? Or the pastors or rev. Father who is also having extra marital affairs with three members of the choir or ursher or the congregation? (Let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone).
Marrying is a very easy thing to do, but staying in marriages is the hardest thing to do especially if the couples are not compatible. We’ve heard of so many cases in marriage whereby the couples are always having one issues or the other and within themselves they knew divorce is the best solution. And when they divorce, they will leave happily ever after.
Staying with who one is not compatible with is like staying in bondage because you’ll always have one reason or the other to be angry with the person.
Some couples feel they can work something out, they end up staying longer together and end up hating themselves more.
The next worst thing after hell is a bad marriage
Thanks for the reply.
The power of Catholic Church play big roles here, politician feels they'll lose votes when they do against the will of the church. They only think for themselves and not for the benefits of the people and the country.
I understand these things politicians do just to remain relevant