It's Important to Make Health, You Must Urinate After Making Love

in #philippines7 years ago

When making love with a partner, sometimes women feel like urinating. That desire sometimes can not be overcome after getting an orgasm.

Some women want to prevent this dying feeling after having sex and decided to urinate first before having sex. But what exactly should be done? Pipis just before sex or after?

Research in 2017 conducted at the Washington University School of Medicine revealed that bacteria can enter the vagina when the condition of this intimate area is not clean when having sex. Penetration of the penis into the vagina will encourage the bacteria that cause the disease to infect the sex organs.

While urination is a natural way the body to clean themselves in the intimate area of ​​bacteria and other potentially causing the disease, especially venereal disease. Many health experts recommend to pee first before making love, or clean the sex organs specifically before starting to make love.