Extraordinary Benefits of Red Banana
Prevent Kidney Stones
Gastric acid
Banana is one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world. Not only is the taste good, bananas are also high in nutrients including beta carotene and vitamin C. Beta carotene is useful to prevent thickening of the arteries and protect the body from the emergence of cancer and heart disease. Beta carotene in the body can also be converted into vitamin A which is very important to maintain healthy skin, eyes, and the immune system.
In addition to ambon bananas, milk bananas, or plantains are sold in many markets there is another type of red banana is no less delicious and healthy.
Even red bananas are high in fiber and can meet about 16% of daily body fiber requirements. Reported from boldsky. Com that the nutritional content in Pisan Merah able to Prevent kidney stones. High potassium red bananas that can prevent the formation of kidney stones, heart disease, and cancer. Eating the banana regularly helps in calcium retention And is able to improve bone health.
Red bananas contain fewer calories than other fruit types. With regular consumption of red banana, so you can feel full faster but can not cause a spike in body weight so suits for those who are obese. The high vitamin and antioxidants present in the red banana can increase the amount of hemoglobin in the body. Beyond that red banana also has vitamin B6 which can prevent you from the danger of anemia.
Banana Red can provide instant energy intake. Because red bananas are high in natural sugar that can keep you from sluggishness. Relieves the rise of stomach acid Rising stomach acid is so culprit ulcer disease. But you can ease it by eating red banana because red banana has an antacid character in it.
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