How BIG are you for 'The BIG one' ? Are you even ready for it?

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)

Photos: Credits to the owner

No one knows what the future brings, so why worry about it? But that exactly is the point, - No one knows. We can never tell. We can't even tell if we will survive or not. No one can even control what will happen, but at least be Ready! Readiness is wisdom. Wisdom that can save you or at least keep you going.

What is an earthquake?

Earthquake is when a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere creates seismic waves and causes Earth's surface to shake. Some of the reasons that cause this are volcanic activities, nuclear tests and landslides. But the most common cause of an earthquake is when a fault ruptures.
Hypocenter is the intial point of rupture and the point in ground level above the hypocenter is the one called epicenter. Magnitude measures the size and energy released from the hypocenter whilst Intensity measures the severity and strenth of shaking caused by the earthquake.

DOST-PHIVOLCS (Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology) already made known to the public the anticipated 'The Big One'.

The Big One is an earthquake which is said to be having 7.2 magnitude the least. Could definitely be greater than that. Location/s are not specified but the ones considered to be most affected are the areas on or near the 'West Valley Fault'. It is said that the big quake will pass through the dense Metro Manila area and can shake the neighbouring provinces.

This phenomenon may happen anytime, worst - when you least expect it. In comparison to a fruit, it's already ripe, so ripe - that it may occur soon, so soon. How ready are we for this? Do we even know about it? Now you do.

It is inevitable. But what can you do at least for yourself?
Movement of the ground seldom is the actual cause of death or injury. Most die or get injured due to unpreparedness and because of collapsing buildings, falling heavy objects and debris.

Here are some tips on what to do before, during and after an earthquake.


  1. Identify the safe spots and earthquake plan on your house, school or workplace. Establish earthquake plan.
  2. Learn first aid. Have first aid kit.
  3. Prepare your 'Go-bag' - contains flashligh, whistle, nonperishable, ready-to-eat foods, medicines, water, survival kit, portable/battery powered radio, extra clothes.
  4. Know how ot turn/stabilize LPG tanks and electricity fuse.
  5. Do not place heavy object on top of cabinets or shelves. Don't hang heavy picture frames or mirrors over the bed. Secure everything that may fall.
  6. Keep list of relatives and emergency hotlines contact list.


  1. Stay calm. Do not Panic. Focus. Compose yourself. -hardest but most needed.
  2. Drop - Cover - Hold (cover your head and heart as much as possible)
  3. If you're indoors, stay inside. If you're outside, stay outside.
    If you're indoors, stand against a wall near the center of the building or stay under a strong or tough table.
    If you're outdoors, stay in the open away from power lines, trees or anything that might fall. Stay away from buildings.
  4. If you're in a car, stop the car and stay inside the car until the earthquake stops.
  5. Don't use elevators. If you are on a building, it is better to go up than run going down.


  1. Expect aftershocks. be prepared for it as it may further damage weakend sturctures/objects.
  2. Check for injuries and apply necessary first aid.
  3. Check gas, water, electrical lines, and appliances for damage.
  4. Be careful around broken glass and debris. Wear boots or sturdy shoes.
  5. Listen to the radio for public safety instructions.

Expect the worst but hope for the best. We may not know when this will happen but knowing what to do is definitely better than not knowing anything at all. It may happen later, today, tomorrow, next month, next year... Who knows? Nobody knows.

Be wise enough to know better. You may save yourself, loved ones and others...
It might be big enough to kill or damage thousands of families and people but be bigger enough to be ready of it. Above all, the most important thing that can be done is to pray. We may not be able to prevent it but at least pray to be kept safe on that time.

Readiness is wisdom and wisdom is your smartest weapon.
Stay safe everyone!



wow! nice bhex
i never knew that you are now a Seismologist...
this post is really helpful especially here in our country who really needs to be educated on what to do during calamities such as earthquakes.
Thank for posting.
You have been upvoted!

Sweetest of you bhex! :) Thank you for being so supportive and for inspiring me. I'm not a seismologist though. hehehe. Just a concerned citizen and fellow steemian. :) Thanks for the upvote bhex. You're the best ex talaga! See you soon. ^_^