Do you want to be a millionaire or successful in life? Well if you answer YES you're going to make a big change the way you think and operate just like the millionaire people in the world. You can't put a dollar or peso value on good routines, especially your morning routine. What would you do for the first hour of the day that sets the mood for how the rest of the day is going to down. Millionaires or successful people also often share daily routines such as waking up early and keeping notes on their progress in business. I’ve outlined several common positive daily routines in this post. If you develop these daily routines, you may just be speeding up your progress toward becoming a millionaire.
6am - Visualization

The first thing to do after waking up is offering a prayer to Our Almighty Father for all the overflowing blessings and the other thing is thru visualization. What is visualization? It is the use of the imagination through pictures or mental imagery to create visions of what we want in our lives and how to make them happen. Along with focus and emotion it becomes a powerful, creative tool that helps us achieve what we want in life.
Used correctly it can bring about self-improvement, maintain good health, and accomplish your goals in life. Visualize what do you want to achieve in the coming hours. See yourself as happy, strong and satisfying and imagine all the good things you plan to do.
6:10am Focus On Your Target

After getting up, focus on your goals by writing the goals you want to accomplish in a day. I already apply this for myself by writing down to my new planner 2018, the things to do. As an office engineer, I lists down the things I want to achieve in a day such as to visit the client's office for collection and submission of billing or even personal matters you can do.
6:20am Practice Affirmation

Affirmation is simply a process of thinking, listening, saying or writing a statement to yourself or other people repeatedly.
For example, when you wake up every morning, you may affirm by saying aloud "Today is a great day!" It will have great impact to the rest of your day.
Before I explain to you the power of affirmation, I think it's important that you understand the power of belief.
How many times have you heard people saying "if you believe you can, you can"?
Perhaps one of the great truths in life is that your belief creates your reality. In other words, your reality is generally a reflection of the beliefs of your subconscious mind. That's why if you believe you can, you can.
And here is the application for affirmation that I downloaded from the play store.

7:30am Random Act of Kindness
As you make your way to work, challenge yourself to make a good deeds or random act of kindness like helping the elder crossing the streets, give a seat to a stranger during your commute or hold the door for someone or any simple act will do from your heart desire.
8am Spread Positive Energy

When you greet your workmates and go about your day, be as positive as possible. Talk about the happy moments that happen in your week ends or report something wonderful. Avoid complaining and negative comments of your conversations of your colleagues.Being positive is attractive, and it also keeps you happy, because positivity enables you to see the good sides of life more clearly and prevents you from dwelling on the negatives.
12pm Be Kind to Yourself
In order to maintain your good mood and keep yourself feeling energetic, try to spend your lunch hour being as kind as yourself as possible. Before starting kindness to others, you must first be kind to yourself.
1pm Continue to Spread Positivity
While working under pressure maintain the composure you have like when your boss say something bad to you, go to your colleagues and forget the negative words from your manager. In this way, you are keeping alive the positive energy that connects to the universe.
9pm Reflect on Your Progress
Reflection helps you assess where you have come from and where you are going.
Remember on the notes on your planner or pad, try to review one by one and mark it down if already accomplished if not you may jot down or transfer for the next day goals.
9:30pm Meditate

When you begin to wind down for the night, find a quiet and peaceful spaces for your meditations. This is other way to discover the hidden power of your mind and learn how to control and use it. Meditation is transform our mind from negative vibes to positive energy, from disturbed mind to peaceful, unhappy to happy life. Science says that meditation has a number of mental and physical health benefits, from improving memory to boosting the immune system.
Love lots,
Wow. This is actually so good.
Like so so so so good
Where did you come up with this?
I swear I'm just realizing this is exactly what I want out of life right now.
This kind of routine. I've been practicing meditating after 9:30 and have often been in deep meditation for several hours an evening now.
The more I sit there and quiet my face/racingthoughts/ego/brain and just focus on the heart the more everything you outlined in your article makes perfect sense.
I need to get better at starting my days because I'm ending them really well but am not finding the right balance for waking up early and getting "in the zone"
I will try some of the ideas you highlighted here.
Thanks Jonnah! xx
I am inspired from the book I read last month and make my own schedule and I've been practicing this for a month now. You know what it is really effective. you can really monitor your daily works and accomplishments as well. Have you ever try a deep meditation @imp.unity ?
This content is so indepth ... Had to read through and thaMks for the work I love the affirmation part
Yes you should have make positive affirmations everyday like "I am pretty/handsome", I am rich or whatever..
good post my dear
Thanks my dear. It is really effective doing your morning ritual like sending positive energy to the universe.
Definitely agreed with you so much energy is the driving force of life
yes my dear thanks for appreciating.
Imagine if we all did this. Wow what a wonderful world it would be.