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RE: Germany or the Philippines? The big comparison! :) / Deutschland oder die Philippinen? Der große Vergleich! :)

in #philippines4 months ago

Yes, good to be in Tagaytay!
It's funny: because I am accustomed to German weather, for me the water in the big swimmingpool there is always warm enough, even if most Filipinos think it would be very cold.
But on the other side I sweat a lot on trips outside of Tagaytay, whereas the locals don't care about the heat. :)

Concerning Tagalog I still didn't learn a lot. The problem (and at the same time advantage) is that most Filipinos speak English very well, which allows me to remain lazy. :)
But there is still hope: already tomorrow will be my first lesson with that friendly security guard who offered me to teach me Tagalog ...