Dear Diary: I had some Argument with my Dialysis Nurse

in #philippines8 years ago

This is what happened. I am one of a kind patient, it is because out of hundred thousand dialysis patient I believe, I am the only one not requiring blood transfusions or an injection of that expensive extra hormone called an EPO, the kind of what Lance Armstrong use to help him endure the Tour De France. It's main effect is to help the body create more red blood cells, without that hormone, the body will not replace the destroyed or old red blood cells so the person or dialysis patient goes anemic and if not treated, will die and hard.

I am one of a kind and I am lucky because blood transfusions and injections are expensive medical treatments, a complication of being a common dialysis patient to require them to be able to be not anemic and get such symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, and lack of appetite.

So not being anemic anymore and thank God I am not, I have a normal appetite. But I am not gaining any weight. So the past few weeks I was trying to eat as much as I can just to add mass to my skeleton looking body. So in turn during dialysis I end up relatively heavy for the nurses.

The nurses won't take all my gained weight, the extra water that is, because they stress out that I might get hypotensioned which I am arguing that they have to take it all off because any additional weight that will remain can make me get filled up or waterlogged sooner between dialysis and that they can correct the hypotension easily anyway if that happens. I end up going home with extra weight. It in turn gives me a hard time budgeting my fluid intake because I only have a limited capacity only to load in my body.

If you remember that I was requesting the nurses to adjust down my dry weight, the weight which I have no extra fluid in my body? Now I aam going home with extra 1.5 kilos. Now I will be having a lot of literally breathtaking moments between dialysis because I cannot breathe simply because the nurses already gave me more than half of my fluid intake allowance already. That also makes me cut down on my food intake so I won't get heavy and go home with even more extra fluid simply because the nurses won't do it, I lost the argument..


upvoted at 40 cent 100 percent upvote
I will be doing a Post about you, you deserve to have $1000 a day and you will get the money you need to have private medical care like a king, with as much opiates as you want!

I was a heroine addict for many years and I abused what you could now be using (I saw your post about not being able to get expensive pain killers)
and it makes me sad that you cannot even get opiates , here is 5 SBD, maybe it can help you get some opiates,
heres proof i just sent 5 SBD screenshot of my wallet history

I want to send more or just keep upvoting you i will get u some attention

U deserve to be an effective spokesperson for steemit! We will help you make enough money to afford private healthcare, videogames, pain medicine, so you can have the most fun possible! and you will be able to live like a King very soon!

Crypto will help you and so will steemit!

I do want to play video games, I just miss playing because I have no money to buy rigs for such games.Thank you for your support @acksa

I do want some pain medicines, my back is making my life miserable.

I do want to date some girls that I like, I never did because I am so sick and now I have a deformity.

I appreciate all what you had done and will do for me, I cannot repay you and will just God let do the repaying as he is a Just and a Righteous God.

Ugh!! So frustrating for you, sorry :(
I have two dry weights, a lower weight and a higher weight, .5kg apart. I like to leave in between the two but some nurses don't understand that. I do my own calculations and I'll add an extra .2 or .3kg for drinks while on the machine, but I don't drink them. Then I leave at my desired weight.
Does your unit take off fluid that you are drinking while on the machine?
+1.5 above your dry weight really is absurd though. My docs would consider having me in for an extra treatment if that were the case. I'm sure the nurses have to call the doc if someone is leaving more than 1kg above their dry weight.

My nurses wants me to have a 3x a week dialysis as if I am pooping money.
Still they will not take the extra fluid because they fear that hypotension will settle in considering I just want to get into my dry weight only.

That is #&/ked up! Man if I was there, i might yell at your nurses. Is there anything you can do to make them accept dry weight?

Hoping you'll get well soon! :)

I have had many frustrating moments with professionals that have no clue about my condition and treat me like an idiot. I imagine you were not as impolite as I have been though.
I sympathise with you. It makes enduring illness all the more difficult and frustrating, not to mention DANGEROUS in your case. Patients should be at the centre of their care, you know your case better than anyone, but they seldom are - anywhere in the world. The medical model doesn't work that way.

"Treat us like idiots"

ha ha yes indeed, me as a living witness.

hopefully you quickly recover my friend and the spirit continues friends

Good to see some good signs happening on you buddy. I'll include you in my prayers. May God always be with you!

Stay strong, brother.

As someone with chronic kidney disease, I am so worried that this is what my future looks like.

It doesn't happen to every patient.
With proper medical care you will be fine.Don't worry @ilovedietcoke

My Dr and I have discussed the possibility. Unfortunately my kidneys have a deformity that is causing lots of problems.

Dialysis is OK but the complications behind it are not.
If you would be on dialysis and God forbid, get the fucking parathyroidectomy @ilovedietcoke

I'm praying it doesn't come to that... although I passed another large stone this morning. :(

You should find and eliminate the cause of your kidney disease.

It's a birth defect. Eliminating the cause would be transplant and that's a huge step that isn't medically necessary at this point.

This is very annoying. I am also a dialysis patient. And i so hate it when nurses do not try to listen to me. I know that they might have reasons or something. But sometimes, there are things that you feel but they dont listen to you just because theyre THE nurse and youre the patient. They always do dialysis textbook ( as if everyone in dialysis experience same stuff)