Chinese Garter #Filipino Classic Games

in #philippines6 years ago


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Good morning guys. Have you played this kind of game? Those this image gives you flashbacks on how it so to be batang 90's? If so then we at the same age. I used to play this game with some of my neighbors, mostly girls. lol. The game is called Chinese Garter and it so so fun to play. Here is how it is played:

Two individuals hold the two closures of an extended supporter evenly while the others endeavor to traverse it. The objective is to cross without having stumbled on the strap. With each round, the fastener's tallness is made higher than the past round (the amusement begins with the supporter at lower leg level, trailed by knee-level, until the point when the tie is situated over the head). The higher rounds request expertise, and the players for the most part jump with their feet first noticeable all around, so their feet traverse the supporter, and they wind up arriving on the opposite side. Likewise, with the more elevated amounts, doing cartwheels to "cross" the supporter is permitted.


I missed this game.

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