The War on Drugs... A Big Pharma love-in.

There's a very expensive war going on. Not against any one country, but on drugs... you may have heard of it described as the: WAR on Drugs:

Part of this war is very easy to see... and people get behind it, because the mainstream "Mee-ja" tells us about it... and we all know that we can trust them to tell us the truth, right?

Historically speaking, certain names are synonymous with this war: Richard Nixon; George & Barbara Bush; General Noriega; Pablo Escobar.... they're all top level, big news, it makes for great press to programme the masses with!

Of course, some further research and you then have to involve the likes of the UN, CIA, MI6, HSBC (and other top banks, I'm sure), politicians, businessmen and so on. Colluding for their own  heinous purposes, be that profiteering or land-grabbing:

"[These] internal refugees, unemployed, living in squatters' communities in the cities to which they have fled, are the principal result of the war so far. Many Colombians believe that they are its intended result, that the real aim of the war against insurgents and against drugs is really to get small farmers off their land in order to make room for development. Under Colombia's coca fields is oil. Paramilitaries terrorize people into leaving their land, and labor organizers are the group most targeted for assassination. More than 1,000 have been killed in the past 12 years, 200 so far this year."

You could even (at a push) pin much of the worlds troubles today (e.g. problems with unfair trade agreements that benefit China in particular; deconstruction of moral society; the incessant spread of Marxist / Communist dogma; hugely detrimental open border policies to name but a few) on the now ancient (but very much not forgotten in the Chinese psyche) history of economic war in the 18th Century culminating in the Opium Wars between, ostensibly, Britain and China. I'm sure you can see the relevance of that history repeating itself today between China and the West.

But I digress... and there’s a more nefarious, insidious side to it. This is the side that everyone misses, because it's hidden in plain sight and you are involved in directly if you go to the GP or visit a pharmacy for certain types of treatment. Both myself and many people I have known have been snared by it and as I have slowly woken up I have begun to see that there's actually a complex control system being constructed around us that weaves together threads from Government organisations, health services, pharmaceutical companies and last but not least - the public. That is you, me - anyone who goes to the doctor, and, addict or not... there are those who would make you one. I will be coming back to this point later in order to explain the biggest question why... but first, more on the what and how...

The main premise of this document, or the main reason for writing it... and what spurred me to start this whole series was a little something I read on the back of a box of OTC (over the counter) co-codamol.  Have you seen it? Probably not, so I'll tell you that under dosage it advised: Adults, the elderly and children over 12 years.

Many people might not really think on the face of it that this is not a problem because after all, this is a product bought from a pharmacist... and we can trust our doctors, right? Well okay, maybe NOT! But here is an OTC opium derivative, known to be addictive and yet you're being advised it's good to go give it to your kids? Perhaps you're fine with feeding your kids addictive drugs, but if you are, then you probably wouldn't be reading this anyway! But even if you aren't cool with that, read on and hopefully I can raise the issues of what you're seeing here.

I mentioned control systems earlier... well, there's a hypocrisy in this control system: Big Pharma are allowed (in many cases absolutely backed up to the hilt by Big Government through regulatory bodies) to dictate what we, as consumers, put in our bodies. These chemicals are often-times detrimental to health, poisonous and/or carcinogenic, and are promoted by doctors, pharmacists, TV adverts and then in some cases you might be ‘allowed’ to give it to your kids - under direction, of course...

So Big Government basically allow this and therefore are promoting and complicit in the control system. The flip-side is that as mentioned above, the direction of doctors or civil servants or pharmacists is always required. These days you cant even buy things over the pharmacist counter without them giving you a pre-recorded message or asking 20 questions about what you're using it for. In some cases you aren't even allowed to but things over the counter that I remember buying for my parents as a kid - try buying a bottle of iodine these days and you're out of luck... something to do with the EU telling us we can't have access to what is an extremely good antiseptic and a really great item for your medicine cabinet (or any of you preppers out there). So we're told by Government what we can't have and we're told by Pharma what we can have. Of course we, the people, are not trusted to do the thinking for ourselves. So, to the best of their abilities, Big Gov and Big Pharma will strive together with the (completely unelected) "World Government" institutions such as the WHO or EU in order to stop us self prescribing anything for medicinal, health OR for recreational reasons... pharmaceuticals are widely prescribed, or used under direction in the case of, say: methadone, codeine or oxycodone (all of which get abused, leading to addiction) yet they baulk at cannabis use for pain relief and treat it in the same vein as drug offences.

They are, in effect, dishing out their synthetic opioid pain relief while stifling the knowledge of alternatives, then advising them for use on your children - getting them ready for a life of addictive servitude and drawing generation after generation further away from a more balanced and natural lifestyle. Already, modern life has become for many of us: religiously paying ever increasing taxes; then paying out the next chunk of your ever decreasing pay-cheque to the pharmaceutical company for whatever ‘fix’ the doctor says is required; then paying the next chunk out to Netflix, Amazon or SKY to entertain you into a further stupor.

While we continue to drug ourselves up with the poisonous, synthetic chemicals from the pharmaceutical companies, we pay an ever increasing flow of billions of $ or £ to the coffers of the tax men to pay for the seemingly everlasting "War on Drugs". Why everlasting? Because as with any war, it's profitable for a handful of "elites". Care of the likes of Richard Nixon and all the rest following him on both sides of the pond this continues, while the same Governments concurrently oppose any notion of trying something different. For some reason, having people self-prescribing (for instance) a tincture of opium is somehow really bad but being on Oxycodone long term is perfectly fine... self prescribing coca-leaf teas is bad, but having your kid take Ritalin is great... amphetamine use in a neighbourhood is bad, but Adderall hand-outs are sanctioned...

Meanwhile, Big Pharma's profits are somewhat sickening...  See the pattern forming yet?

Despite their vast profits, they conspire to "fix" products and prices the likes of the Epi-pen and continue to kill with impunity.  The crimes of Big Pharma continue to rain down on an unexpecting, uneducated, uncaring public who are told, in no uncertain terms, to keep consuming (as long as you're consuming what they tell you to consume). We are easily led into continuously filling our bodies with food and substances which are so bad for us they will cause (sometimes very serious) health problems, this in itself is another life-trap because Big Pharma is always waiting in the background with the "cures" for modernity's lack of respect, knowledge or interest in personal health and care.

But what we really need is for a paradigm shift from the feedback cycle where people die, get addicted to, or become over reliant on pharmaceuticals; but when people shout out about the failings of the rigged systems nothing gets done. Big Pharma maybe get a very quiet "telling off" behind closed doors (or a fine which doesn't dent their earnings); Big Government maybe introduce some further laws that end up restricting personal choice, and the cycle continues.

But... here's an idea... Why not remove the reliance? Why not educate and elevate people away from the knowledge enforced by: people with some letters before or after their names; or an alphabet soup of regulatory authorities. Why not - and here's a shocker... stop the reliance on pharmaceuticals for our own "comfort"... after all, there are many alternatives to pharmaceuticals people could try...

Big Pharma are not our friends. They are not working for the good of mankind. And far from bringing positivity into our lives they are complicit in creating a control system to enslave people by getting us reliant on their product, so that they are guaranteed a flow of money to keep their board and shareholders rich... and very happy...

Now, have any of you heard of that marketing ploy before? I have... it's exactly the same shtick as used by street pushers, and we know that the people at the top of the pile of that pyramid are just as rich as the people at the top of the pharmaceutical companies. And that's just back to where we started with the War on Drugs, the people are different but the industries are merely different sides of a very thin coin.

Whether or not the companies or the people in government working with them want it, they are complicit in creating a numb, dumbed down population from cradle to grave. If you read my next report, I'll tell you just how close to the grave some of these "cures" are taking you.

Thanks for visiting... if you made it this far I hope you might consider a like or a share.  Please also do some further reading yourself, and take a step closer to "reaching beta"!

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