Side note:
If you're reading this post, then most likely I've already shared a link with you personally and you're part of the Project.hope community. I would appreciate it if you could invest several minutes of your time to read through it carefully and share your feedback with me (comment below or private message via Discord).
Several weeks ago, I contacted a number of our community members and I suggested running a small experiment: I asked everyone involved to increase their beneficiary to 30% (on HIVE blockchain only) and I invested some of my own savings into renting out (via roughly over 200k HIVE Power to be delegated to the account: ph-support.
So far, I consider this little experiment to be a full success - and if you're reading this post, then most likely you belong to that group of people.
The initial idea has been quite straightforward:
to achieve a point, where funds coming from beneficiary would allow to cover cost on dleasing those HP (cost of dleased delegations is higher than rewards coming from manual curation)
I won't bore you all to death with math and calculations, but it seems that we've indeed managed to reach that goal and we're breaking even. This is very reassuring and I'm glad to see that project.economy is already fully sustainable.
However, there are still some challenges ahead. Challenges I wanted to discuss today.
Please allow me to explain one particular problem and present a suggested solution. Allow me to underline that currently I'm only taking HIVE blockchain into consideration in our discussion (I'm not focusing on Steemit here).
Currently, our project.hope voting power does greatly depend on just few large stakeholders: gcalex (120k HP delegated) and curation trail depends mostly on TheRising (almost 400k HP).
If we ever lose any of those (or both) then we all would be impacted greatly. Which worries me a lot. Depending on just a few "whales" has been a reason for many projects to fail (the moment when they've lost that support).
So far, with help coming from @adityajainxds - we've managed to already dlease over 200k HP. It required investing over 6000 HIVE to rent out for a period of several upcoming weeks.
Like I've mentioned before - based on my current calculations - currently we're breaking even. Which is great. However, breaking even is simply not enough. That would only mean, that we will be stuck to 200k HP
and growing this account will be very slow.
I came up with some suggestions, which may be a bit unpopular ;) (hopefully I'm wrong)
Dleasing 50k HP every month would require quite solid LIQUID funds (around 1600 HIVE on a monthly basis).
I'm willing to trade all my DASH and buy HIVE tokens. This shall allow me to get around 4-5k HIVE tokens, which I would use to dlease 50k HP every month (by the end of 2020 my goal would be to DOUBLE current ph-support voting power).
is to ensure that by the end of 2021 "ph-support would exceed over 1 mln HIVE POWER
However, I'm only willing to invest the remaining of my savings if I can ensure a stable growth of ph-support voting power. While 30% beneficiary does allow us to break even ... it is simply not possible to grow. At least - not as fast as I would like it (we would move forward like a snail).
What would you say, if I were to invest those 4-5k HIVE and pursue mentioned 1 mln HP? Assuming that I would ask you to set up beneficiary split 50/50 between you and our community budget (50% beneficiary to ph-fund). ONLY on HIVE.
And I would invest all those funds coming from extra beneficiaries into dleasing more HP to ph-support.
Most importantly:
we wouldn't be depending so greatly on TheRising and gcalex voting power. And if one day they would decide to power down / stop supporting us -> then we still would be able to carry on without receiving HUGE BLOW.
Those of you, who are not happy to join this experiment and who would rather continue setting up 20-30% beneficiary, would still continue to receive support from crypto.piotr, project.hope and our curation trail. Following the suggested solution will not be obligatory.
At the same time we're going to use ph-support MAINLY to support content created by those of you, who will join our "elite program". Details still need to be thought through and discussed, however if I won't come up with any better solution -> this one will be the one I'm planning to pursue.
Hopefully with you on board :)
I'm fully aware that I'm asking for a lot. Unfortunately, I cannot come up with any better way of SCALING our project's economy and ensuring that our future will not depend greatly on just 2-3 large stakeholders. I cannot come up with any better idea of our community account reaching 1mln HP.
Let me know what you think (and make sure that you're read "SUMMARY: WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?" part of this post).
Yours, Piotr
How can YOU benefit?
I spoke with few members about this idea and similar question appeared yesterday. Good friend of mine asked:
I really don't understand this part well but what will be the long term benefit for users who set up 50% ?
Let's talk about numbers and please allow me to share my vision (which I consider quite realistic one):
It is to ensure that I've approx 10-15 posts daily to upvote using ph-support (in that case voting power would be on average around 50-70%).By end of 2021 I'm planning to dlease total >1 mln HIVE POWER to @ph-support. At the same time my goal is to expand our "elite group" to no more than 15-20 users.
With 50/50 split you will enjoy half of it, at the same time knowing that the other half would be constanly being used to grow our PH community.In that case, 50% upvote would have strength of 500k HP. On top of that - 50% upvotes from @crypto.piotr, @project.hope and our ph-fund curation trail would most likely exceed another 500k HP.
It is a good clarification, we are visual people, and on this platform numbers are important.
In this way you can see the clear benefit of what is intended in the long term.
It is important to see not only today, but also to guarantee permanence in time, and only with sacrifices from all parties involved is it possible to carry it out.I understand @coach.piotr
Then, placing 50% would be earning almost the same in terms of economic benefit, but with the additional benefit of achieving self-sustainability, which is something every project should seek. Of course, any extra support will always be welcome, but let it not be that extra support that keeps the project solely and exclusively.
If a community leader is willing to make certain sacrifices, then I don't see why I shouldn't do it.Hello @coach.piotr We have already talked about it privately, for my part you know that I agree with the 50/50, considering the end that is being pursued, I feel that it is a way of self-sustaining the project. In the end, although it is true that 50% is a lot, what I see is that with the vote of @ph-fund with a greater power it will be able to serve to compensate what it stops earning by placing a higher percentage.
Dear @josevas217
I appreciate your supportive comment and I'm glad that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
Enjoy your weekend buddy,
cheers, Piotr
Dear @josevas217
I appreciate your supportive comment and I'm glad that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Enjoy your weekend buddy,
cheers, Piotr
The thing that baffles me here is your leadership skills and how you always want to build an independable body that will push this great project into an apex height. Project hope have been one of the best community ever that always love to support it members.
The goal you are chasing right now is to make sure that time to come, without support from anybody, project hope will be able to scale on it own. If this dream is achieved, I will be the happiest person ever. If the 50/50 will scale the system and pushes us into achieving our set goal, I am fully in love. I will be glad to see project hope in this great platform now and forever more --- We just can't keep depending on people all the time, we have to build a system that will work for us too.
tfame3865 cares
Dear @tfame3865
I appreciate your supportive comment and I'm glad that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Enjoy your weekend buddy,
cheers, Piotr
Man, it is always amazing to see someone on fire for a platform, a project, and a community, and it can easily be seen that you are passionate about the community and everything happening here on the platform! I truly admire that, and I will gladly join a 50/50 sharing of beneficiary awards (I have already done so on the article I just published in the Project Hope community).
I am glad that you try to find solutions, and once again - I would gladly publish with 50/50, but when it comes to your own funds, you know what you are willing to invest. I wouldn't feel comfortable myself placing all my eggs in one basket (that is, Steem/Hive), as I do not feel secure that these platforms will boost, and even in case of a bull market, I don't trust the stability of these platforms. So, while many cryptos increased 2x-5x between March and September, Steem went on top from 0,2 USD to 0,25 USD, and Hive didn't do much better. So, I don't really trust a bull market either to solve all problems.
I really hope I am wrong, and I have invested lots of time and money here myself, so I do believe in the platform(s), but I would be carefuly still :)
Love and gratefulness from Hungary :)
Hi @unbiasedwriter
AWESOME feedback. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me buddy,
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
Great to know, that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
Your efforts in the community are very appreciated. You have a nice idea here and it will definitely lead to sustainability of the community and for that, I say kudos.
To show my immediate support for the idea, my next PH post (dropping tomorrow hopefully) will have a 50/50 split.
Let's do this
Hi @samminator
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
Great to know, that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
Hi @samminator
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
Great to know, that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
Greetings to all members of the PH community.
Taking into account that 30% of ph-fund benefactor was a success in achieving the primary objectives set, I think that the proposal mentioned in this publication is viable, in particular I feel very comfortable and happy with the community of project hope, I feel that I have been supported at all times so I think that when the project needs help then you can count on me there.
The other really important thing that calls my attention is that with 50% of the benefactor we are looking for a very important objective such as being independent and sustainable over time, this is an idea that fascinates me because we are thinking about the future, likewise if we do not lose the support of users who have delegated to the project and not those who follow the path of curating in the same way we will become stronger.
You can count on my absolute and resounding support for this idea, and I urge other users to evaluate the consideration of the 50% benefactor as that possibility of growing and being sustainable in time.
Hi @carlos84
AWESOME feedback. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me buddy,
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
Great to know, that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
The idea suggests already that behind this, there is a great mind working for hours and putting efforts to let not the community demolish.
This is idea of the 50/50 split would work great.
I think of the community before myself in such calculations and suggestions and just as i do, i am ready to make it even more👆
Its a fact that uf we are depending upon external whales and someday they leave us for whatever the reason be, community may stuck at a critical point where many members might leave and start working for other communities and PH may collapse,God forbid. You know me well @crypto.piotr
What i would conclude is that the idea to get 1MLN HP by following the above suggestions is of great value.
I am fully ready to participate and since i am back to home now, i would definitely be working in the PH community just like i used to.
I am ready to contribute with all my heart.
I thank @crypto.piotr and the Project hope team. Yours, @haidermehdi.
Hi @haidermehdi
MOst of all: WELCOME BACK :)
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
I'm surely getting to know you more with time passing. And I'm proud to have you on-board of our little community.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
Great to know about 250k HP . I am sure these little steps will take us to our destination :)I assure my participation here dear @crypto.piotr :)
In the long run I feel it would be good to see our community account getting to 1 million and at the same time all the member accounts become bit fat whale accounts who can cast fat votes of their own.Dear Piotr (@coach.piotr) I wish to support the community in every way I can so if it needs 50% rev share so be it. I am also a big fan of what dear @achim03 proposes.
Since I see a lot of people from our community here so I would like to say that about a little more than a year back around March /April the steem price was close to 40 cents now with hive and all the development I see the price being far below that price.
So I certainly hope that by the time the community has 1 million hive power it is a lot more in terms of value and its values does not continue to depreciate in the manner that it has been doing so far.
What could be a viable strategy to counter this loss of value ? Any suggestions ?
Hi @thetimetravelerz
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
I spoke to Achim already and I shared with him number of concerns and challenges that his suggestion would bring.
Not only organizing it (from logistic point of view) would be a nightmare and would require contacting every PH member and encourgaging to delegate their HP (instead of selling, which is usually happening).
Even if I would achieve that -> can our community delegate to ph-support 50k HP every month? 1mln within upcoming year? I don't think it would be technically possible.
Also: let's say that you have 10k HP and you would delegate to ph-support. Then that 10k would still be "within" community and overall upvotes would have same strength. Our authors wouldn't receive stronger upvotes - to achieve that we need to bring delegations from OUTSIDE of our community.
LEt's talk about it via discord.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)?
Why should I give Project HOPE 50% of my rewards?
As the money pot grows, there will probably be some calls for more financial accountability (where the money goes) . PH has been more than transparent with this already. That said, if we're that big, that's a hell of a good thing!
I'm 100% on board with the 50/50 split.
Let’s power through to 1,000,000 HIVE Power, create a sustainable economic network and take this crypto engine for a spin.
Hi @fijimermaid
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
All those reasons mentioned by you are valid.
However, the most important reason to grow ph-support is simple: ensuring long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
Taking into consideration that having the delegation 30% of the ph fund benefactor has been successful for the project to achieve its stated objectives, from my point of view the proposal that is being mentioned in this publication is viable for all since the voting power would increase, since this would help our project grow more hopefully and based on that we have to work, and everything related to the project can always count on my support. since this would be like another test for the community to continue growing. I agree with @ coach.piotr .
Hi @sandracarrascal
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
From my point of view it is an excellent strategy since if with 30% we can obtain good results with 50% I think it will be much better so you can count on my support and above all thank you for your constant consultation with all of us that makes you a true leader, and equally congratulate all the members of your closest team in reality they all do a brilliant job.
Friend Crypto.piotr math does not fail so I am sure that together we will achieve such a precious goal and most importantly we will all benefit as the voting power of ph-fund grows and we will all be victorious.
Greetings friend @cripto.piotr and to all the members of this prestigious community, I love your idea since it will always be important not to depend on other whales, the most essential part of your approach is that this goal will depend on ourselves and that is great.Greetings to all and success awaits us.
Dear @rbalzan79
I appreciate your supportive comment and I'm glad that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Enjoy your weekend buddy,
cheers, Piotr
So far it's gonna be beneficial for the community which is everyone of us, I'm in for the game 😊
Short but right to the point :)
Glad to have you on-board @hardaeborla
this is really well explained and a great insight, one thing I really like about you, you always put the community first and also seek their opinion on matters before taking decisions. we all want the community to scale through and we are all ready to help in every way we can. since it is a long run plan, we will be looking forward to it.
have always been bothered about this because depending at times wont always be for long, it is a good thing to be independent especially when it come to things like this. Am always in
Great to know that you're on board of this initiative @valchiz :)
It does take time, however I consider it the best way to manage community. Listening to others before we make decisions is something I've learned a while ago and it has been working for me :)
I really like the idea that PH is sustainable in the long term, it seems to me that you are a great leader and a great person so you have my support dear @crypto.piotr, 50% it's fine it's profit at the end of the day
Great to know that you're on board of this initiative @ramsesuchiha :)
Dear Friend @coach.piotr,
As you well know, I am with you and with everyone else since I started this project in which I have supported and will continue to support as I always do and I will, always your good advice and new proposals are very successful for the good of our community, now I will also support this new proposal, however, I would like you to see Archin's comments with which I very much agree, in fact on other occasions I have commented on it privately by discord.
Those calculations of the @achim03 talks are just as he says, I made a spreadsheet in excel and I agree with the results.
Please, that option that @achim03 shows us, I think it would be much more profitable for everyone.
By @achim03
Thank you for your valuable feedback @lanzjoseg
and for all suggestions shared with me via Discord. I trully appreciate it.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
Greetings dear @coach.piotr. It is a great initiative for the community to grow and be independent, all support is always beneficial but having a lung of your own is indispensable to sustain yourself in the long term, I join the effort to reach that goal, great achievements are not achieved overnight and step by step you get far, and although 50% seems a lot at first and produces an adverse feeling, the benefits will be noticed in the near future, because as the VP grows the user will also benefit even more. Count on me!
Love to hear that @emiliomoron :)
Greetings dear @coach.piotr. It is a great initiative for the community to grow and be independent, all support is always beneficial but having a lung of your own is indispensable to sustain yourself in the long term, I join the effort to reach that goal, great achievements are not achieved overnight and step by step you get far, and although 50% seems a lot at first and produces an adverse feeling, the benefits will be noticed in the near future, because as the VP grows the user will also benefit even more. Count on me!
Greetings dear @coach.piotr. It is a great initiative for the community to grow and be independent, all support is always beneficial but having your own lung is indispensable to sustain yourself in the long term, I join the effort to reach that goal, great achievements are not achieved overnight and step by step you get far. Count wiht me!
You can count me in. I'm here for the long term as I suspect most are at Project Hope.
Long-term growth is dependent upon sustainability. And sustainability must not be reliant upon a few individuals. Life and work are a give and take. This is especially true of development and cultivation which is the stage we are at now.
My hope is that other ideas and opportunities presented themselves to grow this community in such a way that it's less of a hobby and instead a powerful catalyst for change.
Love to hear that @machnbirdsparo :)
i Agree and we all should trust on you obviously it's all for our better future of community.
But we need to powerup faster i think taking delegation for little time wouldn't get better result if it's more than 20% profit return .
though if we use dleasing method for curation powerup than maybe it's better :)
I am ready to set up beneficiary to 50% .
Hi @hassanabid
Thanks for your fresh comment :) It's great to know that you're supportive towards this initiative and you're willing to put your trust in me :)
take care of yourself,
I understand that its important to grow the project with the least dependency and I appreciate your efforts that you're putting in to make it happen. I like the idea you shared and in fact, we discussed similarly things in DM. My answer is yes and I am happy to support this 50/50. All my Hive posts from now will follow the same.Hi @coach.piotr
I don't see anything wrong with this since PH having more VP will adjust it its worth going with this change. Thanks for sharing the idea to make PH self-sustainable.
Dear @alokkumar121
I appreciate your supportive comment and I'm glad that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Enjoy your weekend buddy,
cheers, Piotr
I am very happy to support the PH project through this and count me in.
Like you, I also want to see our project grow, and earlier when we talked about 30%, that was a nice start and this is even better. I trust and fully confident that whatever you will do will take the PH family forward.Hello @coach.piotr
Once again, I am happy to support it and my future posts will follow the change.
Have a nice day.
Dear @reeta0119
I appreciate your supportive comment and I'm glad that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Enjoy your weekend buddy,
cheers, Piotr
That's wonderful and I am sure that these baby steps will make big difference.
I am always open to support any change and initiative for the self-sustainability of the PH project. After all, it's our project and we need to contribute.
You're right. it is OUR project
Hello @coach.piotr, i appreciate your efforts and dedication for PH community.
That's true. Depending on whales is not a fact i am also worried about it because they are independent to do power down or stop supporting us. That's why i am in favor to this new idea. It is important for ph stability.
Short but right to the point :)
Glad to have you on-board @luckyali
Great to know, that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Cheers, Piotr
that's really great. ♥
Greetings friend @crypto.piort
It is true what you mention in your proposal, that it is necessary to have an independent platform, taking into account that we should not depend on third parties, since sometimes there are unforeseen events that escape our hands.
I think it's a bit high percentage, but you can count on my support, the publications that I direct to the community will have reflecting this percentage, the idea is to allow a sustainable growth of the community, although I know I'm not in the obligation to do it, I'm willing to collaborate with everything to Whatever it takes to leave my grain of sand. I hope we can achieve the goals laid out. Until after you have an excellent week !
Hi @amestyj
AWESOME feedback. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me buddy,
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
Great to know, that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
I think I can't stress enough how much PH has helped me grow on Hive so count me ot, I'm on board with this decision. Sustainability is probably the most important aspect of any project if you want to be here for the long run.
Short but right to the point :)
Glad to have you on-board @alexbalan
Great to know, that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Cheers, Piotr
Okay, this is going to be a good trial to the growth of the Community. My concern has always been how do we sustain the community when the delegations or the supports are taken away but thank goodness we are trying to get solutions to a foreseen problem before it arises. I will appreciate if we all work together to make this a success.
Dear @gbenga
I appreciate your supportive comment and I'm glad that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Enjoy your weekend buddy,
cheers, Piotr
From a natural approach, any aspect of life, whether biological or social, the fact of NOT DEPENDING on another individual or group of individuals is synonymous with survival, where basically a given species generates favorable conditions to evolve, and be able to adapt to the difficult situations offered by the environment, that is to say, I agree with the proposal to place 50% as a beneficiary to PH, in the search to increase the VP of the community, and with it to reach a solid organic and sustainable independence in time, that will allow us to evolve as a community, because this will bring collective benefits at the moment that HP issues votes of support to the articles of the members of the community.
In relation to the previous methodology, in terms of experience I am one of the newest members of PH, however, when evaluating the percentages of 30, and 50% I found that the difference is relative, since the lowest percentage generates the lowest income and vice versa, therefore, in my opinion if the 50% proposed produces more impulse to vote, and this translates into more income for the user, and simultaneously is supporting the growth in VP of the community, are positive aspects that will benefit us all in the near future.
Now, I think it is convenient to incorporate other thematic areas related to science, such as biology, engineering, agronomy, chemistry, among others, in order to attract more users who wish to join PH. I will take advantage of these lines, to reiterate my gratefulness to @crypto.piotr and @project.hope, by the receptivity and support that have given to the content that I have shared with the community, since basically I have had to write approaches of the Botanical world to the thematic ones of HP.
You can count on my support, as of my next publication I will start assigning 50%, regardless of whether this is the methodology we adopt collectively.
Hi @lupafilotaxia
AWESOME feedback.
Glad to read your encouraging comment. I really hope to see you being part of this initiative.
Great to know, that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
I'm not sure what would be response to those topics and if our members would find them interesting. Perhaps you can write about one of those topics from time to time (let's say that initially once or twice a week) and let's see how things go.
Please keep in mind that currently we've already to many authors within our community and I'm hardly capable of rewarding everyone with solid upvotes. We're not really trying to get more authors on-board at this stage.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Have a great weekend :)
cheers, Piotr
Greetings for my part I am willing to join the experiment. 50/50 🙂
Short but right to the point :)
Glad to have you on-board @trabajosdelsiglo
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Totally get what you mean and I suppose, to be sustainable, that's one of the only things that can be done, short of doing something else outside of the hive ecosystem. Amazed with the passion and effort that you have put in this community!
Short but right to the point :)
Glad to have you on-board @alvinauh
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Hello good afternoon, the truth is that I agree with what you say @coach.piotr it is important to make our community grow in voting power, to be totally independent is a great idea, of course whoever wants to continue supporting us is welcome, but as you say it is better to prevent being without support in the future. I think we would all benefit from it and also keep the project on the top.
Short but right to the point :)
Glad to have you on-board @franyeligonzalez
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Short but right to the point :)
Glad to have you on-board @franyeligonzalez
I believe it is a good one you really have taught on this and also to share it with the community to show the level of the transparency is also great to admire at.
Though few people will at the end of the day want to be at the elite, I mean it might be difficult for some set of people to set the beneficiary to 50% but I believe if that person is surely want to be part of this community and to support it to move and achieve greater success, the person will not find it hard to set it at what you just discussed About (50%)
And your reason is also tangible. You are right. If perhaps one day the whales or one of the whales supporting the curation trail tend to leave the trail, it will massively affect the project hope curation excerise and strength so by doing this and with the vision you have on it, surely it is a great one to think and be partake of.
Kudos on your effort
Dear @mandate
I appreciate your supportive comment and I'm glad that you also see how important it is to ensure long-term self-sustainability for our project.
Initially it was difficult for people to set up even 20% - until they realized that they are never losing out. With 50/50 split I will also ensure that you (and others) won't be losing out. Perhaps initially rewards will drop little bit, however in middle and long term those authors will benefit more. That's the main idea.
ps. We've already managed to increase stake on ph-support up to 250k HP (was just 200k HP at the beginning of the month). Baby-steps :)
Enjoy your weekend buddy,
cheers, Piotr
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Hi coach.piotr
I am toally fine with 50/50 :) I hope PH will reach the goal soon this way!
As discussed in discord I can see the benefits to being able to not just break even but grow the voting power so that, should it be necessary, we can stand on our own two feet. I’ll definitely do my part in supporting this moving forward. It is about time I stepped up to support the community better!
I have read this post and many of the comments. I can see the positive aspects of this proposal, so I will add a delegation to Project-Hope, and increase my beneficiary percentage to 50%. I would appreciate the following links;
Hive autovoter
Hive delegator
Hello @coach.piotr @shortsegments
I would be part of this