Pets and other critters

in #pets5 years ago


I've always been an "animal person" but I've never been a "dog person". I was never a "cat person" either... not until having lived with two cat-crazy daughters over a period of almost 30 years. They converted me. No one has been able to convert me to dogs-- and many have tried.

I've even raised several orphaned puppies-- one from an hour or so after birth-- until they were weaned and I could find homes for them. They were attached to me, but it was never as mutual as it should have been. Most of them were already spoken for when I took them in, so it wasn't an issue.

I was always more a fan of the wild animals-- in the wild and as pets. Cats and dogs got in the way of that, usually seeing my wild friends as snacks.

Another part of my problem is that dogs have always seemed too needy. I prefer the independence of cats-- who are usually as independent as the wild pets I've had. Although I've had some rather needy wild pets, too. I also have a couple of pretty needy cats now.

I haven't had many wild pets in the past 20 years. My situation was often in flux, and then I started getting cats for my daughters and avoiding things that could have a problem around the cats.

But, no matter what kind of animals I like, or don't, I hate that anyone imagines they have the right to use government to prevent people from having the animals they want. And the list of "prohibited" animals has grown to include almost everything I've had over the years. I've even had animals become prohibited days before I planned to buy one.

Yes, if you have a pet that causes harm to someone or their property, you are liable. You owe restitution-- and if someone shoots your pet in defense, too bad. Whether the "law" agrees or not.

I've had a lot of problems with people's dogs over the years, but not with any of the breeds government-supremacists like to ban. It's always been stuff like Labradors, German Shepherds, mutts, and breeds like that. I take that back-- I once had a problem with a pitbull who decided to try to kill some of my pheasants and chickens. But not once did the thought "Someone should ban those" cross my mind. It's just not part of my nature, no matter what my personal opinion might be. I want people to be able to have those things, and participate in those activities, that make them happy. Even if I don't get it. Don't you wish everyone could do that?

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Pretty soon cats with claws will be on the banned list.

But, if the racoon comes and visits your compost bin ever other day and the department for making sure pet owners stay sad department sees the racoon, will they decide you are keeping a dangerous pet and fining you?

A guy across the street feeds all the feral cats in the neighborhood-- and there are a bunch of them. The local legislation goon warned him that he could be fined for having "too many" cats (the town ordinance sets the limit at 3 cats and/or dogs); if he feeds them, they must be his. The guy asked if the cop was going to fine him for the birds that come to his yard since he feeds them, too. As far as I know, the matter was dropped. #BlueLineGangScum

I, too, am more of a cat person than a dog person. However, I've been caring for my daughter's mini-dachshund for several months now, since she is not living in a place where the pooch thrives, and he has certainly wormed his way into my heart. "Needy" is an understatement with this one, though.

It would be great if all pet owners were responsible pet owners. I don't like to see pets singled out for being banned, either, but if is often the result of too many people handling their pets irresponsibly. Human nature can be frustrating, and common courtesy seems to be extinct.

We had raccoon kits one summer when I was a kid. I have been bitten by dogs twice, one a chocolate lab, and the other a golden retriever. Never by pit bulls, mastiffs, or other "scary" breeds.

My most recent dog bite was a Weimaraner that ran out of a yard and bit my thigh as I rode my bike down the street. The owners just sat on the porch and watched, never moving a muscle. But this was about 7 years ago. Fortunately, it only resulted in a blood blister. Didn't improve my opinion of dogs.

I had to get antibiotics, although no stitches, for the golden retriever bite. Still have a couple small scars from the tooth punctures. When the bite happened, I was dogsitting the perpetrator and had to raid the homeowner's pantyliner supply to rig a rudimentary bandage for my mauled hand.

I prefer canines over felines. I've had dogs for most of my life and trained most of them myself, which ironically I don't have any today, lol. From Pitbulls to rottweilers, and Shih Tzu's to chihuahuas... I've generally been interested in dogs. I also like learning more about wolves too, and I'm thinking that my next pet will be foxes (an Arctic Fox, or Fenech). I've also owned some cats too, but for me, they're not quite as exciting. Plus we have a lot of stray cats in the neighborhood.

I love wild canids. I love seeing a coyote loping across the prairie.