Bears, tigers, lions, wolves, snakes, and crocodiles are just some of the wild animals that people buy as Pets. I just can't understand how a depressed, deprived of its natural weapons, locked in a cage poor creature is better than seeing it in its natural habitat, where he tied all of his inner instincts that can live a full life according to the laws of mother nature that created it.
First and foremost, this crazy fashion, to put it mildly, unfavorable for the animals. Experts believe that it took more than ten thousand years for wolves to evolve into dogs. Thus, there are thousands of years the differences between wild and domestic animals. Do people rely on the fact that accustomed from birth a dog, it will be a dedicated person and it is accurate work with a tiger or a bear? In any case you cannot compare a wild animal to those who domesticated since ancient times. They do not perceive of man as the master, because he is incomprehensible creature, whom he never encountered in the wild.
In addition, it can be up to 95% say that the person is not able to fully meet the needs of wild animals in captivity. Many monkeys, birds, big cats, the day can travel several kilometres. And what remains? Led a tiger on a leash in the Park? It agree, it is ridiculous, and dangerous for surrounding people. For this reason, animals are kept for months to be confined to cages and small pens. My heart bleeds, when predators are removed the teeth or claws just so they will not cause harm to the owner. There is no clean water cruelty to animals?
Poor diet, stress, trauma, and behavioral disorders are all peculiar to the wild animals living in the home. Medical care is extremely difficult, not only because it is illegal to keep exotic animals, but because we need to find a good specialist who can properly cure an animal, not a vet who treats cats and dogs. In addition, many wild animals hide symptoms of illness, so not every doctor can accurately identify them. According to statistics, in 2000 worldwide, 50 million people have contracted various diseases from wild animals, and 78 thousand died. So if you do not understand the importance not to have exotic animals, think even about themselves.
Here is a partial list of diseases that you can contract from wild animals: hepatitis, rabies, ringworm, tuberculosis, measles, small pox, candidiasis, campylobacteriosis, as well as a variety of infections. Although many of these diseases are not dangerous, some quite serious and even fatal.
Exotic animals, by definition, are not domestic. They can be unpredictable, and the behavior may change by the season and life cycles, which we, alas, unable to predict. Wild animals rarely bond with their owners. Most, if given the chance, just run away. It was then that they can seriously injure neighbors and bystanders. If you fail to catch an escaped animal, and it continues to threaten the society, it will take for the hunters. Most likely wild animal to be killed, his blood will be on your hands.
In the end, it's bad for the environment. Have you asked yourself ever question where they came from exotic animals? It is very difficult to breed them in captivity. Therefore, in order to satisfy your need to stand out among the crowd, people looking for an easier way. Hire poachers who are in fact residents of the villages, planting vegetable seeds, from which profit is zero, in contrast to the huge money offered for an exotic pet. Thus, animals are weaned from their native land. This disrupts the ecosystems from which they were stolen. If all this does not hurt your feelings, then try to put yourself in the place of animals. You come mighty beasts, driven by a thirst for money that demolish your house, try to take the children. Any parent to stand up for their child and tries to protect him, but a monster has a weapon that will quickly cool your senses and leave? Children, put in a cage and taken away thousands of miles away, so they could fall into the hands of other monsters who will pull their teeth and claws and let die, but only more painful way.
Most people who buy wild animals, and have no idea how much they hurt nature. Not able to satisfy their needs, most owners refuse to take these "Pets". But where are they to go? Most shelters are not equipped for exotic animals. Zoos and circuses, most likely, will not accept them, and the dealers will not take back. You're lucky that beast which attach to the reserve, but not the fact that where you live it will be. So as sad as it is to say it, but most owners simply throw their former Pets into the street, leaving them in the lurch.
Good post man. Some people are evil.
Never ceases to amaze me how we are so cruel to animals. Unfortunately we are the talking animals.
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