The contests of Petals - Flowers - Flowers of alycha (plum)

in #petals6 years ago (edited)

Spring came very quickly to us (probably because it was delayed for a month) and brought with it almost summer heat. Therefore, it is not surprising that some fruit trees, which for two more days were completely naked, are now covered with flowers. The first, as always, bloomed certain kind of plum known as "alycha". I share with you the first photos of the flowering plums (but certainly not the last ones).

До нас дуже стрімко прийшла весна (мабуть тому, що вона затрималася на місяць) і принесла з собою майже літню спеку. Тому не дивно, що деякі фруктові дерева, які ще два дні стояли зовсім голі, сьогодні вже вкриті квітами. Першою, як завжди, зацвіла алича. Я ділюся з вами першими фотографіями квітучої аличі (але точно не останніми).

alycha tsvite 1.jpg
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (lans m.Zuiko 14-42), iso-200, 1/320, f/10, 42mm

alycha tsvite 2.jpg
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (lans m.Zuiko 14-42), iso-200, 1/320, f/10, 42mm

You can read the new rules of the competition here.


sO niCe
Summer is the only season in which feelings are mixed up in my opinion
Every season has a special feeling but summer ...

Well, we do not have a summer yet, but it is very similar if we compare it with the prolonged winter

Very nice captures! We also have had a strange spring - one day it's 75 F and the next it's 45 F for the high!

Yes, these differences are a bit confusing))