Hi Stemian, We have been operating for less than a week and we really want to thank all of you for the trust you have made in us.
As we already announced on our introductory post Petals
The flowers you all posted on #petals are wonderful and choosing the best photos is not easy at all. here it is our first weekly selection, the Monday’s one, dedicated to all the Flowers posted on #petals.
Bougainvillea flower
by @adialam
by @lenasveganliving
Life and death - The circle of life in a picture!
by @bronsedi
color challenge Purple Sunday tiny purple flowers
by @stresskiller
Brumest Photo Edits – Petals
by @brumest
digitalis - flowers and petals
by @digitalis
My Tiny Garden - Sedum Spectabile Crystal Pink
by @ewkaw
Violet Orchid Delight!
by @violetmed
For this first edition the jackpot made available by @petals is 10 sbd and your shares are already in your wallets!
Rules:Keep posting your photos on #petals if you want to participate on our next selection.
- starting today, during all week display your post with a flower photo (a maximum of 3 photos each post or in three different posts);
- Use hashtag #petals
- the title of your post shall include “Petals Contests: #Flowers”
- Vote this post;
- include the reference in a comment of this post.
- Because it's a photo contest, only the quality of the photo is judged. Anyway a few text lines under your photo is required.
Each Monday, we’ll choose the winner posts that we will publish in a special Post The Winners! Awards: All the SBD that will win the Post (with at least 5 SBD) will be devided in 75% to the authors of the winning photos, the rest of 25% will go to the editors.

(Please pay attention - only original photos. Who will use non original photos will be reported to steemcleaners and risks the flag).
Because we are sure that beauty will save the world!
@Petals. A new community flourishes on Steemit, an idea of @adrianobalan and @sardrt. Help us reward the quality contents with little or big donations and delegations of Steempower.
Many thanks for taking part in our contest!
wow what an amazing shots, really very gorgeous flowers, congratulations to all the winners.
wao good shot
thank u.
Many thanks for taking part in our contest!
congratulations to all great collection
thank you @bokeh
Congratulations to the winners!
thanks @ileana56
Thank you very much for selecting my shot.
It's a great pleasure to be among such a talented group!
thank you for taken part @brumest
Felicitaciones a todos los participantes, cada flor es un espectáculo mas impresionante que el anterior. Saludos y éxito.
good job!
thank you
Wow thanks :)
What a great selection! Feels like spring already :D
it's kinda spring here @ewkaw thanks!
Congratulations to the winners. They are fabulous photos.
Many thanks for taking part in our contest!
Congratulations to the winners.
thank you
I had no idea there will be reward! Oh my goodness, what a pleasant surprise Dear @petals ,Thank you so much I am honored to be included in your beautiful section.
Congratulations to all the winners! All the photos are truly divine 🌸💖🌸
always for the braves one @lenasveganliving thank you for participating :)
My respect and thanks to @petals and all its members and witnesses who have worked hard to consider options and I think it's a detailed job. Thanks also for the support and choice for me, I will try to get better again. Congratulations also to friends who have followed this race hopefully in the future we will find a better one in accordance with expectations.
thank you @adialam your photo is really beautiful
Thank you also for you and my friends all, hopefully my future will try better again
An objective choice of winners! Everyone has a very beautiful work! Beautiful contest!
Many thanks!
Oh my goodness, thank you for choosing my photos! Thank you for the SBD. I pray we will save the world by remembering the beauty in it as you have stated above! My hope is more people will step outside and find something beautiful in nature and be thankful!
You have collected our message! Thanks @violetmed
Congratulations to everyone and special thanks to @adrianobalan and @sardrt not only for choosing my photo but also for this beautiful idea! Thanks for the prize.
Thanks, keep following us !!
Hola aquí mi entrada al concurso
thank you for participating !
Hola, disculpa pero me podrían aclarar una duda, ¿Toda la semana se pueden hacer tres post con diferentes flores? o va de acuerdo al día con el color de flores, comol os anteriores que eran rosa y amarillo, gracias! es que no me quedó claro como es el concurso! feliz noche
Toda la semana!!
Gracias por aclarar mi duda! =)
congraculation all the winer. I am not bt try to win for the next topis
congratulations to all winners and all are such a lovely captured flowers photography.
Many thanks
its really a nic flower pic flower is a symbol of beauty.. we r impressed to ur flower pic...thnxx sir fr sharing this
Here is my contribution!
Great job, @petals! Congratulations to the winners! https://steemit.com/petals/@olga.maslievich/violet-glow-in-the-rain-petals-contests-flowers-original-photos-by-olga-maslievich
thank you for participating
Thank you so much for hosting! :)
thank you for participating !
Thank you very much for selecting my image! Congrats to all the winners! Happy Tuesday!
Thank you for your beautiful picture!
These are all fabulous photos! Congrats, everyone!
Thank you, follow us again!
Flowers in my garden
Many thanks for taking part in our contest!
My entry

Excellent choice of winners! Beautiful contest.
Flowering cactus

Hi here is my entry:
Nice that you are doning this competiton! Here is my entry: https://steemit.com/petals/@akinome/petals-all-type-of-flowers-petals-contests-flowers
Hello, this is my entry - >>https://steemit.com/petals/@milf27/petals-contests-flowers
My entry
Hi, thanks for your beautiful contest, good luck to all
Here's my entry : https://steemit.com/petals/@shellylopez/petals-contests-flowers-desert-rose-from-my-mother
Hi ! I've been barely little more than a month on steemit, and I'm beyond words, I would have never thought to find so many great people and nature lovers like myself here. I live to grow plants and their flowers, and hopefully to now share their beauty with all of you guys. Thank you for making this possible, for the amazing movements that your contests and community promote and are all about.
This is my entry for this contest. Hope you like them (petals).