Purradise Cat Cafe | Relaxing and Distress

in #pet7 years ago (edited)

Today is the 24 Dec 2017 which is Christmas Eve, I have lots of days off.
Already clean my room, doing laundry, and play games. But what should I do next besides just staying home and got nothing to do?
Let's just go to a pet cafe!!!

I never went to a pet cafe before, but I would like to try one.
So I already do some research (Google-ing) about it, and found out there are some cafe nearby my place.

One of the pet cafe that got my interest is Purradise Cat Cafe.

So I already contacted the place, making sure that they are open.
Then went to the cafe.
My oh my, It already heaven to me, there are so many cats around, even in the cashier.
There are 2 cats sleeping beside the PC.

And 1 cat sleeping behind the cashier counter.

I was so happy and excited to pet and play with these cats, but first of course I asked permission to the staff whether I can take some picture/record video inside, and they said yes. So I'm in and got my Camera (Sony a6000).

There are few rules that the staff remind me, as these cats are rescued cats, it is better to not annoy the cat which can cause stress to the cats. I do not mind that.
And about the charges, you can refer to here.
I got my number, for I believe later on it will be easier to pay the receipt later on, and got your food.
There's no need to put in your privacy information, just walk in, and done.

As I was come around 2pm, most of the cats are sleeping (which should be obvious).
However, there are few cats that still awake, and I was able to take some nice shots of them :^).
Note: I will refer to the cats as "it" as I do not know their gender.

  1. I believe this is Tails. Tails is kinda chill when I approach it. Tail's fur was really soft and fluffy, really sweet.
    Tails apparently just chilling on the ceiling for awhile.

  2. This is Garfield. How should I put this? Garfield is a bit difficult to be friend with, as I was given a little bit cold shoulder. But with a little bit patient, it was a worth effort 💗. I was able to pet Garfield's chest and it's chin, but I can't pet it's right or left cheek, also it doesn't really like to be pet on the back as the back will just try to go as low as possible which mean like, really really trying to get away away from your hand.
    Garfield is so Fluffy, but I notice that it certainly not fat as Garfield the cat. This Garfield just fluff and I can felt it's bone around it's chest. Also, look at it's paw 💗.

  3. This is Snowy, It got my attention as it was meowed really loud. Trust me, it was.
    The staff said that Snowy really want just attention, so I approach Snowy and pet it. Snowy really kind of spoiled, which me likey :D.

  4. This is Brie, when I approached Brie, the previous staff who working in the cafe (come to visit I believe) was surprise that I pet with Brie, as she proclaim that Brie don't like people and not that friendly. It's true that my hand were bitten but I was able to pet Brie. I used to cat scratches, so I do not mind it.

  5. This is Miki, as I noticed it's back, I asked the staff what actually happen. Apparently Miki's back got poured with hot water since it was a kitten. Miki was one of the stray kitten that got rescued and brought to Purradise cat cafe. Ever since then, Miki's fur never grow back at all. Also, Miki is the most friendliest cat in the cafe as per staff mentioned.

  6. Olive, just look at this face. How you not just instanly fall in love with Olive. It's face looks so derpy and really lovable.

  7. Tomato, just a chill cat basically. I pet Tomato for a good few minutes, and it its alright. Nothing much to say actually about Tomato 😂
    Also, look at Tomato's pattern. It looks like a broken heart 💔

  8. Here is Misty. Not Misty from Pokemon, but Misty the cat. You must be careful with this cat, don't let Misty grab/snatch your small belongings, as it will keep biting, scratch and play with it for good times. 2 kids threw their balls into the tunnel, and the girl cried as she can't get her ball back. And the staff also warned us that Misty is really scratchy, right after that, few minutes later, I got scratched on my ring finger.

I would just say that I'm really happy and glad that I able to visit the cat cafe. I was able to pet them and play with them. Also, maybe get to know their personality a little bit 😅
My next plan will be another pet cafe (dog cafe) with my friend soon. Hope it will go well 😁

Please do let me know what do guys think.
Should I make another blog about certain (maybe) unique places to visit?

Well for closing, as most of them are asleep and I didn't interact that much to get to know bout their personalities.
//this will be just bunch of Picture of them. Enjoy 😄!!!


Cats have supersonic hearing

yes, I believe so, but they sometimes just prefer to ignore you when you called them 😅

haha... this is funny because its very true!!!

The most traveled cat is Hamlet, who escaped from his carrier while on a flight. He hid for seven weeks behind a panel on the airplane. By the time he was discovered, he had traveled nearly 373,000 miles (600,000 km).

The cat who holds the record for the longest non-fatal fall is Andy. He fell from the 16th floor of an apartment building (about 200 ft/.06 km) and survived.

The life expectancy of cats has nearly doubled over the last fifty years.