Personal Truth

in #personaltruth6 years ago

In life's path it's easy to look onto others and mesure who we are or what's the next step. In comparison it's hard to figure out who we are and what's our truth, because we need to do the different things that aren't usual or that we don't know how to do. But without our personal truth we'll stumble. We will only feel realised if we try to get that which concerns us. Like a selective color blindness having the things that supposedly makes us happy won't realise us.

Even though it might be a cold wet day in Sri Lanka or one, where we have no money in New York or even when we are blissed out in the middle of a woman it's our reality and that which we choose, right or wrong we are right for us personally certain of our actions.

Pain can come from the simplest things so, I recommend doing things in a balanced way, but never let fear stop you from doing that which you think is right for you measure the advice you get and do what you decide.

I'll do the same...and tell you how it goes.


Follow peace n love.png@diogo.jesus