Make your mind your bitch...

in #personalgrowth8 years ago

Iron will and indomitable spirit sounds good in theory.In practice this attitude blinds us to the simple and often effortless solutions.We have limited Will power at our disposal everyday.It’s okay to miss on schedule,to leave a blank in our to-do-list.Instead i urge you to try a more subtle approach – create conditions that make doing things easy.Will Power is mostly wasted when we want to incorporate new habits.We either start with unreasonable expectations or don’t start at all – high expectations puts us in a vicious cycle of losing self-esteem which further shackles the deck.

So next time when you take on one of your failed resolutions,do this – make it ridiculously simple,put subnormal expectation.Don’t worry,this has inverse effect.You got to tame the beast before the show.

Planning to do a 20 minute meditation every day – make it 5,even better a single conscious breath every day.Aim for consistency and feel good about it,rest will follow.

So the hack for bringing huge consequential changes in our life is to start with simple too-easy to fail commitments.Consider any over-performance as bonus and make sure to celebrate it.This has the added benefit of freeing up our energies which are otherwise wasted on will power.