Why "HubrisCubris" - inspired by @piedpiper

in #personal-development7 years ago (edited)

What is the motivation behind choosing a name? Do you regularly choose names for online appearances that are meaningful?
Today I would like to share the reason for me being hubriscubris and why I think that choosing meaningful names can say a lot about you character and your inner self. I would love to see all of you posting comparable stories and I want to thank @pipedpiper for letting me gain the Inspiration for thinking about this question more in detail.

Why hubris?

I always liked the ancient Greek mythology. Naturally, since I am of Greek origin, I read them in the original language or my mom read all of the stories to me since I was young. I loved the Iliad & Odyssey. Protagonists like Odysseus. Stories about the Trojan Wars and godly heroes like Achilles always filled my heart with hope and believe. The stories always reminded me of a high similarity between all people. We shared the same fears, the same hopes. The Greek gods presented a highly understandable notion of gods to me. A god as much as a human can make mistakes and has his flaws. No matter what we are human, gods we all share the same fate: Winning and Losing is part of our lives.

One story that always struck my mind had always been the Daedalus and Icarus one. The story of a lifetime. A high flying ecstatic ride towards the sun ending with nothing but regret towards the actual height of the flight. It had been a wonderful right till that one spot. That one critical spot where we should have just quit doing what we were doing and re-focused on the real beauty of the journey.

The dream of flying had started our dedication and with it the passion for getting to our final goal. The moment we reached our goal of flying we actually wanted more than just flying, we started flying towards the unreachable heights. We had worked for centuries to actually fly or even be able to set a foot above the ground and once we hit that target we started increasing the goal exponentially. A goal that had never been called reaching the sun, turned into exactly that and that’s when we fell.
The hubris of Daedalus and Icarus is much alike any bubbles we witness in todays world. A bubble creates itself on the edge of an idea not in the core of its essence. The core of an idea will remain the fundamental of the dream. Daedalus is the core of an idea. Icarus on the other side is the outer edge of an idea – the madness turning into reality.

Let’s pretend for a moment that all of the ideas leading to hubris would be “calmed down” so to speak and the ideas would remain strictly like Daedalus (Daedalusian? What’s the term here, guys!?) Wouldn’t that mean that we would have a much lower friction rate in terms of exploration? Isn’t the insanity and the madness the one thing that drives us crazy, yes, even kills us at times but that elevates us to new, unprecedented heights? Isn’t the Hubris the one thing that can overcome all obstacles in front of us only to die or to fail in front of a very minor thing - our own expectations of success?
I believe that the very nature of human life is built on an extensive hubris. The hubris is the one and only reason why people stand up when they fall (if they still can, unlike Icarus). Taken all into consideration paradoxically I embrace hubris, since it is the only way that my idea will be remembered.

Why cubris?

Cubris as in Cubri (lat.) means to cover oneself. Which is exactly what would be happening if you would be failing to accomplish what actually Daedalus achieved: Making use of the new dream coming true slowly and truly mastering its peculiarities. Whoever would run against a post in the middle of the street would rather hide it then openly share it. Least of the human beings out there would openly embrace their chaos, share their insanity and blindness. Most of the time we try to cover what’s wrong in the world within. We try to express only what fits into the most common schemes of our surroundings. The best that can happen to most people is when they live a silent and relaxed life with food, money and family. Cubris is the very reason why stagnation between individuals or ideas happen. Where there is no friction there is no heat. People are eradicating all merits of confrontation and dispute in order to guarantee themselves a controllable life.

Much like control is an illusion. You will lose control faster than you can imagine if your surroundings change overnight. Atlantis being one of the most controversial and impeached cities in former existence got destroyed in the blink of an eye. Everyone was riding the absolute crest of a wave and literally a wave killed them all. You cannot expect the world to consider your own wishes in this life. All that you wish to say or wish to change needs to start from your own selves. Therefore, a mere settlement with your own self to stagnate in your dream of static happiness will impede future life and success of you and your beloved ones. Only if you find strength to step forward and openy share and discuss your own ideas and thoughts will you become at least Daedalus and at best Icarus. The fall will only mean the rise of new ideas.

Why HubrisCubris?

The combination of both is the epiphany of our society. A society that wants to aim so high and has so many fantasies about the future. So many starts to ends. So many hubris cycles that could start. Being it as it is those cycles can be the much needed starting point to be able to fly at all. However, our Cubris part is holding is back. We want to be accepted in society. We want to be the normal ones. We want to be the Daedalus and not the Icarus. Even though the one wouldn’t exist without the other. Maybe Daedalus would have never worked on it without Icarus, who knows?

When was the last time you openly shared an absolutely ridiculous opinion and tried to argue against tens, hundreds of people who all believed that you are crazy with your beliefs? Well, every single invention that drastically changed our lives over the last centuries have started with a strong disbelief and called it madness, insanity – Hubris. Steam machines, Railways, Electricity, Internet is all the hubris objectified.
Go out there, start thinking out loud. Be accessible, be fair, be tolerant but never lose track of what you want to achieve and what you want to change.

The name HubrisCubris is a mirror image of its wrongly interpreted disadvantages. HubrisCubris wants to showcase that you should stop looking on the downside of failure and share your thoughts more openly. You should start to make use of your own insanity and madness and deliver the best of your ideas. Be a pioneer and change the world with your thoughts, ideas, art, creativity.

I hope I could bring closer the idea of my name and the meaning for my personality and motivate you to give us your everything here at steem. Let's make this community one that should be remembered for ist pioneer Soul.
Much love for each and everyone who find time to read through to the end.


It's just what you say and very inspiring. I will follow you because you are doing a good job. Thank you

Thank you Izbing, I really appreciate your words and it is actualy so crazy that we live in a time where we can openly discuss and share our own views on things so effortlessly with others. Exchange thoughts and get new Inspiration! :)