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RE: Lombok permaculture plant #1 - Kentujur (Sesbania grandiflora)

in #permaculture8 years ago

I'm originally from Australia where wild fires are a part of life in the Sclerophyll forests and heathlands of the Subtropical and meditteranean climate zones
Its surprising here in what is called Tropical dry forest that fire is not so common
It can burn, it just normally doesn't in its undisturbed state. When humans interfere we often make it more flammable.
We are using a few methiods of control. one is keeping the grass short, another is planting evergreen non flammable plants, another is careful placement of small fields that act like firebreaks. There we can grow bananas, cassava, chilli peppers and sweet potato.
Im also encouraging the farmers to collect the organic matter and use methods like trench composting, Hugelkultur, biochar and chicken composting as an alternative to their current practice of burning all residual organic matter to ash.


Permacylture is the way, biochar would be far better.