Graveyard gardens could be neat!
Washington state just legalized human composting, which is really exciting to someone like me that has a big problem with being embalmed in preservatives and encased in concrete where my nutrients won't be bioavailable to anything ever again.
Ooh, this post is opening up a lot of fun rabbit holes!
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Now that conjures up visions of composting humans begging turned in the heap. 😨 I've never been keen on the embalming and burying idea, either. Cremation not so bad. I rather like the idea of having a tree planted over me, maybe in fetal position. Now I'm curious about what the official way of composting people is.
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There's a place by my cousin's home where, it's a crematorium but they have acres and acres of land they use as a "graveyard" but instead of graves people chose a tree to plant there.
And as for green burials and not being all pickled im harmful preservatives or boxed into concrete fortresses... I think you may like this interview:
Have you seen these things? This is what I want. Can you imagine walking through a forest and realizing that each tree literally represents one of your ancestors; looking around and knowing that your ancestry is literally a part of every living thing in that forest?
That's amazing!!! I need to send my wife that. It's perfect! "Trees instead of gravestones!"
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