Judging by forums and talking to local developers in my area it all comes down to a census. Perl seems to be the most hated language. So I went online and researched this topic and it has been reinforced reading through many sites, the most current site I last read recently was on Stack Overflow, the community is able to share their stories and experiences with their programming development going through those messages they are say pretty much the same thing about Perl.
I recently came across an article that sent out a survey to the community and it was interesting to see their results:
Although others made the list this one seem to be the most common out of all developers surveyed. I have yet to find a programming language i dislike, So far i have learned to embrace javaScript, PHP, SQL, SAP, Python, CSS, HTML, HTML5, SASS, Swift, and others. I just learned to respect their parameters, syntax's, and structures.
I'm not sure why, but every programmer I have had the pleasure to meet dislikes COBOL and ruby on rails more than anything, even assembly code.