You put unnecessary pressure on yourself because you compare

in #people2 years ago

There may be people around you who make you compare yourself to them, creating unnecessary pressure and high expectations.

It feeds your ego that you are better or better than someone else
Say you're not good enough and honor your growth journey


Is it fair to compare yourself to others?
Are they in the same situation or have similar experiences and is the comparison appropriate?
Do you compare information to achieve your goals, or do you use comparisons to feed your emotions? You're a "climber," so you're always overdoing it or raising the bar.
To reach your highest goals, you have to be very successful. So let's start by saying there's nothing wrong with being hugely successful.

However, if your habits involve overdoing that is difficult to maintain, there are probably more effective ways to prevent burnout.

Can you find a more efficient approach and still have great success? Do you take time to celebrate your victories before moving on to your next goal?
Do you know what success means to you?
You are so focused on your work that you are not paying attention to your own needs.
When we focus only on our work goals and deadlines, it's easy to lose sight of ourselves and our needs.

Take short breaks to meet simple needs (sleep, eat, rest, etc.) so you don't get too tired to continue with your daily work goals. Ask yourself:

Do you have a healthy routine to help you balance work and life?
Is my body telling me to eat/sleep/rest? If so, am I listening?
Is my job urgent or can I take a short break for self-sufficiency?
You have high expectations of yourself and others that are difficult to meet.
It's good to have high expectations that can be achieved given enough time. However, it is intolerable to expect more from yourself and from others than you are capable of.

If you have expectations that are too high or unrealistic to meet, prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for disappointment.

Are the expectations I set for myself fair and achievable?
Are you expecting too much from the people around you?
Should I lower my expectations? High expectations of oneself can lead to high expectations of work results.

Even if the work product is reasonable (say, it meets the required standards), our high expectations can lead us to believe that it is not good enough. It's easy to think of it this way when you think of your work deliverables as a small expression of your professional work.