The DAO Reviews Investment in Peerplays DAC

in #peerplays9 years ago

Largest crowdfund in history raising over $130 million in Ethereum cryptocurrency, The Decentralized Autonomous Organization, aka "TheDAO" to review Peerplays.

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DEBERT, N.S., June 3, 2016 - After completing the largest crowdfund in history and raising over $130 million in Ethereum cryptocurrency tokens, The Decentralized Autonomous Organization, aka “The DAO”, is set to begin reviewing and voting on proposals this week to fund a new generation of blockchain technologies, and Peerplays is next in line for consideration.

Peerplays is an online gaming and wagering platform that uses open-source blockchain technology to prove that casino card games are being played fairly, and offers a solution to eliminate fraud in an industry where players lose an estimated $100 million a year to cheaters.

Peerplays is called a DAC (the “C” stands for “co-op”) rather than a DAO, because in addition to stakeholder voting, it also distributes a percentage of its fees to members through an automatic profit-sharing payout program. BunkerChain Labs, the blockchain solutions consultant for Peerplays, has recently launched a public crowdfund and published a proposal offering 5% of the total Peerplays stake to the DAO.

“Peerplays is a cousin to the DAO, and has many shared interests”,

said Jonathan Baha’i, president of BunkerChain Labs,

“And since the DAO is built on Ethereum, and Peerplays will support
Ethereum as a wagering instrument, it made a lot of sense for us to
offer The DAO a stake in Peerplays.”

The concept of a decentralized autonomous organization has been around for a few years, but has only recently gone mainstream thanks to continuing efforts by community members and developers of blockchain-based projects such as Ethereum and BitShares. The Peerplays development team has worked extensively with other decentralized autonomous organizations in the past, and they are hopeful their example might help others who are seeking funding through the newly formed Ethereum-based “DAO” project.

“Being part of a decentralized autonomous organization is never easy,
it takes patience and commitment to the process of building a better

said Fabian Schuh, advisor and developer for Peerplays,

“Peerplays is building upon everything we have learned over the past 3
years, and we are excited to offer Ethereum DAO holders the
opportunity to be a part of this project.”

To view the full Peerplays DAO proposal, visit:
For more information on the Peerplays crowdsale, visit

BunkerChain Labs Inc., founded in 2015, provides software development services to meet the growing demand for custom, high-performance blockchains and related applications.

Michael P. Maloney
Communications Manager
Bunkerchain Labs Inc.

#peerplays #crypto-news #ethereum #thedao #proposal #investment #dac #dao #press-release


This looks like pandering. Why does TheDAO need Peerplays? Peerplays does not even have an estimate of how many users of it's services have signed up. Assuming some small percentage of people who sign up on the landing page go on to actually become players then maybe you can estimate how much Peerplays can profit and produce ROI.

It's important for people to do proper due-diligence before they arrive at any conclusions. Peerplays has nothing to do with Peertracks. The whitepaper on Peerplays provides a good background to get a handle on what the project is actually about. The proposal itself does include a conservative projection estimation over 5 years also.

That was a typo. I meant Peerplays. Either way if Peertracks were to try to integrate or procure money from The DAO I would say the same thing.

I know you might include projections but do you have any number to track current metrics like the sign up rate or the amount of people who expressed interest? Static projects aren't as valuable to me as dynamic projections. I need to know how successful Peerplays currently is and if it's just starting out then I doubt TheDAO or any VC will give it money because it's too competitive.