I am a huge fan of Peakd, and have completely switched to using it exclusively since Hive was created.
There are quite a few cool features, some of which you likely don't even know exist. Let's change that, ok?
Countdown Timer
I love this feature and it is especially useful for contests and any content that has a deadline.
I used it for the recent STEMGeek's Hackathon, but I don't see it used all that frequently.
When you set a countdown timer, you will see a timer that updates in real-time under your post when viewing it on Peakd.com
Just click on the Advanced button below and you can set a date in the future.
This feature is really cool and if you are throwing a contest consider adding it to your posts.
Embed Tweets
This is a feature I wish was more native to Peakd and I spoke with the devs and it is on the roadmap when they can get around to implementing it.
For now, there is a way to embed tweets that have great formatting.
Just go to Twitter and click the down arrow in the top right corner.
Click copy code.
Then paste and walla!
With the posh initiative (proof of sharing) this is a handy feature. It currently does not work in comments, but that is being fixed.
You probably noticed this feature but never used it. It's incredibly handy although I will admit I don't use it myself as I have a global solution that works across all websites.
Open any post on Peakd and in the top right corner, you will see the universal symbol for bookmarking.
This feature is great if you want to come back to a post later or just want to save it for future reference.
You can then get to your bookmarks at any time and revisit these posts.
If you use Bookmarks for long term storage, consider adding labels to posts so you can easily find them later.
If you are curious about what I meant when I said I used global solution for bookmarks, I use a service called Pocket that allows me to save links from anywhere and view them from anywhere (desktop, iphone, ipad) and it perfectly formats it for the device. It is a huge time saver and allows me to absorb a lot of information and keep a large amount of reference material. The free edition works fine for most people.
Cover Image
By now you likely know Hive uses the first image in your post as the cover image. Did you know you can change this behavior on Peakd?
Just go back to the advanced settings, and select the image you want to use as the main cover image.
Did you know you can see all communities a user is a part of and their role/title?
While you may not use this feature often, it is very handy when you do need it.
While I got you here, isn't amazing how well integrated native communities are with Peakd? I love features that are built in a way any front end can take advantage of them. One thing I love about Peakd is a lot of their features are built with this in mind. Many features exclusive to Peakd can easily be added to other front ends. I would love to see some of these exclusive features have some parity on other front ends like Hive.blog. For example support for the countdown timer.
The last feature I'm going to cover is templates. Templates allow you to create boilerplate posts for things you post a lot. Maybe you run a weekly contest and the bulk of the post is the same and you just want to update the deadline and weekly details.
You can find templates under the create post menu.
Creating a template is similar to creating a new post except it only saves it to your account. You can later use that template to start a new posts.
Like bookmarks, you can add labels to templates which I recommend if you really start using the templates feature.
I hope this helped and you found at least one new feature you didn't know about and will now use going forward.
Thank you @jarvie and @asgarth for such a fantastic interface.

Not sure if it's unique to peakD but I use feed lists as well to break down my follow feed into catagorys for easier reading.
Yes that one is unique
I love it, I use it in the same way I use twitter lists to be able to review whats going on without things getting drowned out by volume of posts.
I love that bookmark feature. Use if often to reference back to things.
Peakd also has tipping in it, if you find a post worthwhile.
I loved Peakd
I've never used the bookmarks feature either but did not know it allowed labeling for saved links. That makes it far more useful than I would have expected!
Indeed our best frontend, and I also was able to switch completely after Hive was born, and I even use the 'I love Peakd' extention in Brave to get me back on peakd every time I accidentally land on hive.blog or so :D
PEAK FAQ PROJECT Community. Jarvie, as time permits has been adding and building it a lot. If you forget how to do something in peakd you may be able to find the how to on that community page. A ton of useful information. It is PeakD specific, not general to all the other front ends.PeakD is a small team, https://peakd.com/c/hive-198327/created that link is to the
Same here! Well, for a split second I used hive.blog, but the wallet wasn't working so I went over to peakd and never came back.
All of the other stuff I was aware of except for pasting embedding Tweets... I didn't realize you could do that. Nice tip!
Wow! Templates features could come in real handy. Thanks for sharing man!
Been using it since the start. Has always shat on the steem/hive condensers.
I didn't knew about Countdown timer, other than that I knew as well as use all the features.
I'm also starting to like Peakd. I wish condenser was like that.
@themarkymark I didn’t know most of them. Thank you 🙏 God bless you !
I just noticed you are the admin of your own fan club.
Did you assign that permission yourself?
It was the test community I made when communities were in beta.
It started as Coconut Rocks Community. Then I turned it into Crimsonclad Rocks on her live show.
Eventually I changed it to Themarkymark Fan Club and invited spammers who spammed and harassed me in retaliation.
In a nutshell it was initially for testing communities then made it into a joke.
I think I remember this. Maybe in a while, it will be time to do more stuff for communities. I have a few ideas to improve them, and I've seen a few get more interesting than just a tag and perhaps a discord.
Mine Oh Mine... This is amazing. So peakd has bookmarks for storage too. I've always been using peakd.com to post but havn't taken time to study it. I saw the part of the subscription and leaders of each community though. Thanks for this @themarkymark
I just started using peakd and i can say for a fact that the features on peakd are wonderful. Even formatting a post is easier on peakd.
Yes I agree, PeakD has a number of really cool features that sets it apart any other entry point into Hive. I think that people should consider bookmarking this post to use as a handy reference in helping them to have a more enjayable experience here on the blockchain.
Many thanks.
Super helpful!!!!
I see this but did not use it before. Now I'm more aware of it. I'll use these features in the future. Thank you @themarkymark for sharing this. :)
Might give the template function a spin! Thanks!
These are cool features but when are we going to discuss that there's a whole community for Yelling? lol
Peakd is great and I see it has gained features since being forked from steempeak. The management of delegations is neat, but to remove one you have to just set it to zero as there is no button to just remove it.
BTW I see people write 'walla/wallah'. Has this become a thing of its own or should we still use the actual French word 'voilà'?
That’s great .. will try few features for sure.. should be interesting :)
Thanks for a very informative piece, I am sure I will be using some of these features now.
Out of all those I use Templates every day. Just so super useful and saves time instead of copying the banners and signatures each time.
I knew about Subscriptions. The rest I had no clue about. The timer sounds really cool.
wowo, i didn't know these features! especially the twitter embed tip, thanks so much!
Thanks for sharing, personally a big fan of saving drafts and templates, was not aware you could view other peoples subscriptions! I missed a chance recently to use the countdown timer with my Battlegames account but will be sure to utilize that at some point in the future.. 👊
Certainly better for creating posts, originally one couldn’t even make a post with pictures on hive, ya had to use peakd or a different front end for the first bit.
Pocket sounds incredibly useful lol.
Hope all’s goin great
Thanks. A couple of these (the countdown timer/viewing subscriptions) are new to me. Very cool!
Next step mobile application
Its my first day here at Peakd. I found your post very valuable. Really appreciate it. Thank you.
I'm on a peakd too. It's great!