
Well, I completely agree with You...Sub-ego persons, I call them Sub - ego or Victims mentality persons they act like well - wishers to everybody, supportive and so on but actually they hardly wait to threw their own poison to everybody's face because "THEIR PROBLEM IS THE GREATEST OF ALL AND BIGGER THEN OTHER PERSONS PROBLEM".
Dante says: "Traitor is every person that in the time of crisis doesn't take side".

This hit the nail on the entire topic for me.

Those exhibiting the most toxic form of victim mentality are often filled with unresolved anger that is usually directed toward others in the form of blaming, emotional manipulation emotional blackmail, or revenge/punishment.

I wonder how many accept this and learn to move on from it.



very good work . Thanks for the effort. Can I join you? @aggroed

Owk right on it......Will join you guys now.

Yup, but of course the victim mentality is the cornerstone of identity politics. there can be no identity groups without people feeling they are victims of whatever it is they identify as. Off topic can you help me to empower some victims of socialism?

Peace Academy hmm thanks for the post much to learn

Thank for the post this will be useful

I really think this is true:

filled with anger,

They are filled with anger for many reasons. One is that: they feel someone owe them something.
They become bitter, and bitter....
I wish people would learn to stop thinking like a victim.

Nice post

I like your post

Son los temas del hoy como se acumula tanta violencia en un ser humano que a veces explotan por tonterías. Como hacen daño, viendo estas masacres en las escuelas o la violencia tambien política generada a veces por el estado para mantenerse en el poder son temas de actualidad. Lo Felicito. hay que hablar de eso. Cultivemos, la Paz, la abundancia y las solidaridad.

@ aggroed, también estoy preocupado por la caída de las monedas; eso a veces da tanta impotencia entre los miles de seguidores.

Creo que Uds los testigos podrían estimular a que por lo menos cada uno de los Usuarios de steemit compremos por lo menos un steem; o lo más que podamos..

Si somos X cantidad de usuarios, podríamos relanzar la moneda Steem y mostrar nuestra fuerza de comunidad.

Creo que dejar actuar al estilo del mercado clásico, que el propio mercado inversor actúe o que aparezcan los inversores por los Token, es un poco ingenuo... Necesitamos ahora confianza de los lideres de steemit, tu hablabas en estos dias que has bajado en el ranking...bueno necesitamos tu fuerza y guía...motivación y liderazgo.

I will make it a date. PAL has significantly improved my experience on Steemit and the least I can do is support everything associated with it.

God bless @aggroed and @isaria

People who show the worst form of victim mentality always have anger issues that are often directed to others.

Thanks so much for this enlightening one. And thanks so much for the minnows support project programme. Its very true we all have our different struggles, but we shouldnt allow the struggle to become our identity. Instead of allowung our sityation to define us, we should re-define and renew our own selves. Awesome. I'm following the dicord channel right away

We all have struggles, but we don't have to let our struggle become our identity.

This got me.

This kind of people can hardly forget their past bad experiences that caused their heart broken, they need an inner healing process.

Wooow mantap...
Salam kenal dari Aceh indonesia 😀

OMG... beautifully said - Thank you for this Great post .. i m a fan already to "Witness of Peace" <3 Catch my vote :)

WOW. Can I join? :)