I disagree. I think sitting at home and helping people improve their thinking will have a dramatic and lasting change in their actions which ultimately improves the world more so than what I see to be a ritual (voting).
And I don't agree. It's only a start. You have to stay involved.
I touched on it a bit here in this ~30 minute presentation, but it can be summarized a bit by looking into the history of central banking, how England held the world reserve currency backed by central bankers beginning in the late 1700's.
Yeah the finacial system is fucked, and bitcoin and other cryptocurrencyies will definetly changed things.
How, can you change the public perception that leads to a positive outcome?
Through many conversations like this. :)
Hell yeah.
No, NVC and ignoring the government all together using blockchain technology with smart contracts.
You said yourself that the powers that be would never allow another power to take over. You need to find some way to transition to this.
I disagree here because companies don't have a monopoly on the use of force which defines government. Apple can't shoot me if I choose not to use their products and services. As to what prevents them from "buying everything up" I like these thoughts form Tom Woods: The Misplaced Fear of Monopoly. It has to do with natural monopolies verses forced monopolies via government violence.
Yeah but in an Anarco-Capitalist society Apple could buy or form their own privitize security. It's not about monopoly alone, because in this case they could indeed come at me with guns. Security firms would fight over customers, land, and be used to enforce the will of major companies. The military is swore to defend public and domestic threats like companies that would try shit like this.
Forced consent is no consent at all. Voting itself can be argued as a violent act when people are put in jail and or killed by enforcers of the state based on laws passed by these rulers (as I call them). Why should I give my consent to that?
So people won't be unjustly killed under an Anarcho-Capitalist society? That's like saying, people are just going to stop stealing, raping, or murdering because the governments gone too.
Obviously, we need to fix the system, not just shut it done.
I disagree and have posted many different posts here on steemit about authoritarianism, tribalism, etc. It's not something we have to accept about our humanity, especially as we approach the age where we can change ourselves beyond evolutionary boundaries.
nature abhors a vacuum..
I think the sharing of ideas is the only thing that ever truly changes thing long term. We can try to legislate morality or force people to act how we want them to, but eventually the desire for autonomy wins out if the position on Maslow's Hierarchy allows it.
I think it's great that you are proactive in sharing you're ideas. Good luck with that.
By encouraging so many people not to sign up for it that it ends up with little power to do anything bad.
You'll just bring the draft back.
Great discussion. Thank you. :) I find it interesting how a discussion about the military naturally dovetails into discussion anarchy. For me, democide is one of the primary reasons I don't support Statist government.
Yeah it ultimately all comes back to whether we want the government in place or not. Encouraging people to start businesses and non-profits is awesome. We just don't agree.