A peaceful mind leads a good life

in #peace7 years ago

Sometimes i think everyone need cosiness.Human search desperately for peace, for a long time. It’s missing ithink. Worry, depression and exhaustion are at epidemic levels in prosperous countries, . I want to explain where the peace comes from and how to harness and develop it. Peace is an energy created inside not outer feelings. Even when I speak with peace, and you listen with peace, the energy increases. .

There may be upheaval in the body, or in relationships, or in the atmosphere of the world. I don’t think that anywhere there is a person who has gone through life free from crisis none is lucky like that, o But when I have the power of peace, I do not allow the stability of my mind to be disturbed. Stability of mind is essential for leading a good life And how does it affect others? If I allow myself to experience worry, fear or sorrow, I will make myself restless and unhappy and the atmosphere around me will be filled similar feelings.

How does that help either me or others? In contrast, if I free the self from these negative emotions, I will find myself having good thoughts, filled with positive feelings towards others. This will help create a peaceful and loving atmosphere, even when harmony has been absent. My experience tells me that when I am able to stay free from sorrow, fear and worry, there are values in me that come to the fore and that will be used in my life practically, giving me much strength and power.

When there is physical illness, you may go to the doctor and be prescribed some medicine. But when you are experiencing sorrow in the mind, what will you say or do? What will your mind be like when you think negative thoughts? Whether this negativity is directed towards the self or others, the mind feels unhappy. Either way, such thoughts commit violence to the self. Free yourself from the crisis that you create through your own negativity. Your body, your wealth, your relationships and the world: all four bring a variety of situations in front of you.

But what is the condition of the mind, before the situation comes? When the mind is strong, external difficulties stay external — they do not shake me inside and rob me of my stability. The mind stays peaceful, free from sorrow and worry. When I have this strength, situations filled with sorrow can come but I won’t feel sorrow inside. If a stone is thrown, it won’t hit me. If someone insults me — no problem. If I have good virtues and actions are good, my fortune will also be very good.

But to become upset, or to be unhappy about something, even to have an off-mood, is like putting a drop of poison into a pot of nectar. It spoils everything. It doesn’t just take away peace, it brings unhappiness. That is not why I am here. It is good if I can quickly make the atmosphere around me one of great happiness and joy. ■.

A work done by a stressed man will have some faults but by a peaceful brain creat a lovely environment.