great post. i fully support.
you need to go to the root cause also of the problem. the system nourishes the evil sprites. a common man is not interested in violence, neither can he afford it. he is interested in living in peace. the greedy, unsatisfied crooks become psychos are such violence lovers.
today judiciary, police and politicians are totally corrupted and they want the support of musical power. so they nourish these evil doing in humans. common man can either do or afford that. that is why these evil soul survives.
that is why movies with a hero who can hit hundred with single hand runs successfully.
while we protest these Violence's silently we should bring change in political system i.e. to elect peace loving candidates in-turn they can bring change in police and judicial system then only the Violence comes control. till then it remains our dream.
i am not a pessimist. but talking about the practically going on social evils. put your brain in these lines also.
some one should raise the thought. you started... let people put mind on it. let us all live in peace. Ji Hindi.
Thank you sir. I really appreciate the way you elaborated on the root, that is the real reason we are nurturing violence in many forms. Cinema is one of them. Politics and corruption are another set of this evil realm. We should spread peace.
thank you for taking it in the seance i wanted to convey. your start of the very vital and sensitive issue is appreciable. but more and more workable solutions to be invented....
don't stop it here. take it ahead.