When life hands you a blessing run with it.
I have been blessed to be alive this long; with that said it's not like I grew up in a war zone, yet life is still a mystery to me. It's not that I'm extremely old, but wisdom is like wine... It gets better as you age.
With so much going on in the world I can't complain with the life the God's have given me. I make ends meet and compare to others across the globe and their struggles and way of life, I'm making six or seven figures in ways not relating to money. I have reasons to smile and wake up to in the morning.
It saddens me that some parts of the world are in dire need to escape their home to find a reason to smile; to find a better life for their offsprings and give their life more meaning to it then war and violence. A struggle worthy of working for.
Albeit; we in America are dealing with some serious issues, we can not deny that we have a better lifestyle than others. It is why so many wish to come to this great country. I agree with the vetting, but in my heart of compassion I wish we could all live under one umbrella, under equality, peace and love.
I, as well as some of you have had my share of bad days, but when you compare that to those who live a bad day in their every day lives you have much to be thankful for and much to value. So remember when you unfortunately get a flat tire or run out of gas while driving, things could always be worse.
Some work to live and others believe they live to work, but I live to share peace and give love to those who have no connection to me and those whom I will never cross paths with again. In a way it pays more than the riches in the world and It brings a spirit that beams with life and a pleasure I find very hard to describe.
Peace love and happiness to you all and love earth.
Maybe one day these problems can be solved, I believe the piece of tech will be coming soon. Hope you're doing well @joseph. Peace love and happiness from Asia :)
I feel people all over the world are fed up with the struggles imposed by others and we are on a path to freedom from these restraints. So life will begin to be more livable in more parts of the world...once that happens, you want to talk about viral! God feelings will spread like wildfire and we will lok back to see that we were in a prison, never to return.
Thanks Joseph, I really enjoyed your thoughts. We are truly fortunate, but I'm grateful for the attention you bring to those who are coming to our country. Yesterday, I had an opportunity to bring my family to a local ICE processing center for an hour of reflection and advocacy. While there, we heard stories about scores of undocumented apple-pickers and flower-planters (NOT GANG-MEMBERS) being arrested in terrifying raids by law-enforcement officers dressed in camo and wielding weapons of war. The hostility and utter lack basic respect our country is showing these poor brothers and sisters is heart-breaking. I hope we, as a country, can wake up and remember what it means to live the values of love and peace that you're advocating.