One of the things that I've noticed since I've gotten here just under a year ago is the number of people with broken hearts or really rough stories. I don't know if it's just the writing aspect of this platform or the supportive community or some combination of factors, but I've seen a lot of heartbreak on here.
I've heard stories of financial loss, mental illness, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual abuse, illness, western medicine induced injury, homelessness, death of close friends and family, and suicidal tendencies. It's tough to read a lot of this, but I'm also really stoked to see people trying to use this platform to heal. I'm equal parts sad to see so many people carrying such tragedy along with them, but I'm also really happy that they have a place to air out their soul injuries. I know I've been remarkably touched by the ourpouring of support for folks going through tough times on more than one occasion.
If you haven't seen it yet there is a thing called spiritscience on the web and there are a bunch of parables that the author created. In the 2 minute video below they talk about how things are neither good nor bad because you don't know what will happen as a result. I've been able to find some peace contemplating this and my own hardships.
This thing has had a profound impact on my thinking on things. Even things as difficult as the early death of my mother could fit into this. You don't know what the long lasting impacts will be. The universe unfolds as it should even when it sucks. It's along the same lines as everything happens for a reason, but it's less about trying to determine the purpose of everything and more just floating as the universe flows past you rapids, eddies, and flow. We're here to learn and experience not necessarily control.
Anyway, I've been thinking about this a lot as I keep meeting more and more people having a hard time. I'll keep sending positive intention in the world for change and hope that my efforts expedite the transition to a world filled with peace, abundance, and liberty. If your soul is hurting know I'll set my intention to spread reiki goodness to all who need it on steemit.
If you have a broken heart and a crushing story I hope you find solace and healing. If you're bottling it up I think you'll find a receptive audience here if you're willing to talk about it positively and openly. Hang in there I guess. World seems to be in a transition state and hopefully before too long we'll have a different path we walk together.
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