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RE: Steemit's broken heart club

in #peace7 years ago

Taking damage and suffering pain are a part of life that effects everybody. The rain falls on the rich & the poor, the good & the evil. Understanding that nobody can stop the damage from occurring to begin with is the first point of wisdom. When people get hurt, they tend to hurt other people. And, whether its' illness, disease, abuse, or natural disaster - Mother Nature is a mean b!#@h. You can't stop her, a lot of the time. It's a never-ending cycle.

The next point of wisdom is realizing that you can only control yourself, your own reaction to events, and the fact that each person CHOOSES what those events mean, for themselves. Pretending that you do not have a choice is also making a choice - to deny reality.

The final point of wisdom is knowing that, by your own choosing, by your own reactions & behaviors, by deciding which thoughts to entertain and which thoughts to ignore - we are all in control of our own selves, and acting upon this knowledge will determine our ultimate success, or lack thereof.

A man will reap whatever he sows.