Thank to @thedarkhorse for make possible this contest, it is a huge window to all newbie user like me will be visible in this immense ocean.
Do not focus so much on quality (Monetary) / followers / votes, let everything flow and simply go step to step. make your way when walking, even if only you want to obtain the monetary remuneration.
Is better forget a bit of all this and write what you want, in a genuine and sincere way..
Anew, I've been looking in a lot of post for genuine and sincere content. I succeeded, and again I found 3 great posts :)
She started very early (9 year old), but in 2012 suddenly everything began to make sense when she take a decission...
But it was at the end of 2012 that it all happened, I was very frustrated with the university and my cousin (who understood me) said that it was enough, that for the first time I should do something I really enjoyed and recommended me to enroll in a photography course
Result? She said:
I felt that I was finally at peace with myself.
I know I'm doing well, I'm not yet where I should be but I finally know where to go.
Her photos were exhibited in museums and websites.

I want to live my life, fulfill my goals and make my dreams come true.
drawing and writing. I consider that this decision is one of the most important that I could have considered.
He started drawing from a very young age and started writing two year ago. Erik is developing two novels, Beyond 1: Born and Crimson Vision. He dream to publish both novels and become a recognized artist, create comics and most importantly, Never stop dreaming.
He is a dreamer but with cause, Erick taked a important decision, a decision how scary to many people.

Since a 2 year ago he had the privilege to travel the world performing in dunk exhibition shows.
At first it was just a hobby, but he never expected that it would one day take him around the world.
He was fortunate because traveling the world always was him dream, since child.
He visited 15 countries, met with people from all around the world, experienced different cultures and foods. But no all was easy...
A lot of people think I'm lucky or have an easy job. People will always see the end result, but not the long, winding road you took to get there.
The Ezra Journey let him understand a little more the world:
Traveling has been the best education for me. I feel that I've learned much more from traveling and seeing how other governments, societies, and economies function, than I've ever learned in school.
And I found that my most insightful and rewarding travel learning experiences did not take place in well-known, common tourist destinations like Paris or London. But rather in the unbeaten paths, the roads less traveled. Places with poor economies, yet rich histories such as Poland, Romania or Lithuania.
For it, he decided to intro in the crypto world.
it becomes clear why decentralization and cryptocurrencies are so desperately needed.
Oh. Just another quick note. You were one of the winners from Week 3 (my "judge's pick") Therefore, I have already sent Steem for 1 share of SBI for you. Congratulations.
Great, thank you, thank all of you. Here, my post are visibles.
Only by my count, my posts probably end with 0 votes.
PD: Now i have to investigate about SBI program XD
The SBI takes a day or 2 to start. You will be added to steemauto for upvotes soon. Sorry for the delay.
dont problem with that. Thank :)
SBI shows up as a vote by @sbi4 on your future blogs.
thank for the info
Thanks for your entry. You did a great job find quality posts! I have upvoted all of them and hopefully will have time later this week to go back and comment too.
Another great entry from you this week! These are some super fun and interesting new Steemians. Thanks so much for your participation in the #payitforward contest. I sincerely appreciate your effort.
I have just upvoted this entry as an additional reward for entering for the bonus:
Thank, i appreciate it. And all thing you are making to help newbie here.
Thank you so much @victorsilab
I’m honored! 🙏🏽
Sorry for delay. No, thank to you maria. Is a pleasure to me find people like you. Our country need all of us, especially people like you maria, who does everything with passion
I feel very honored and moved my Jedi teacher xDOh, thank you very much @victorsilab !
the pleasure is mine, you are a talent padawan, don't fall into the dark side, a lot of people wii tell you that you are naive, but do not pay attention
and stay focus in your dreams
Hello Victor Silva, I visited all three of your selectees and quite a mix they were, a wonderful Photographer, an exceptional artist, and a growing humanitarian. Very good group of people.
Oh, thank you very much @bashadow, I really appreciate your kind words
ummm, @magaland... And if you participate in the next week contest ? :)
Hi @bashadow, Thank so much, i really appreciate that invert your time checking all post. Indeed they are a perfect mix, pasion (@magaland) , dreamer (@erick.esquivel) and humility (@thecryptodunker). They made a decision, be who they really want to be in life
Thanks a lot @victorsilab! Really excited to be a part of this community and I look forward to working with you in the future!
Hi.. Thank to you.
You have a good reflections in your post @thecryptodunker
Excelente vic sigue así.
Thank :)
it is a huge window for all newbie users like us.