
Hello @thedarkhorse! Thank you for your time! I will have a second look and I will pay more attention regarding the originality of the content. I think I assume too much that blogging is about original content for most of the people.

Hello @aninamaev . I learned your entry didn't result valid, of course not because of your mistake. Since nor you neither i were here for a long time, we don't know who broke the rules, sometimes stealing posts or ideas and post them as their own. Since you received upvotes, you can no longer delete this post. My advise to you is to edit this post by replacing the account names claimed as not valid, with two more, people between the reputation 25-30 since they are newcomers. Analize well their posts, and make sure it's original material. This is how i picked you and the other two during my post, so this advice comes from personal experience and it resulted successful. Contact me by reply here if you need further specifications. From @triplef

Thank you for all your support! You are really awesome in encouraging me that much. After understanding that I had to change my choices I started to search for people with another way of thinking.
The first time I was searching for information only in my area of interest. The second time I was looking for beautiful people, no matter the domain. And it was great, as I had the opportunity to discover so much more about the platform than before. It was nice I had to search again, the contest has reached it goal for me: get to know the platform a liiiitle more and find beautiful people.
Thanks for the chance and all your support, @triplef!

I read this post after replying to the dark horse. I am happy you did work on that. Thank you for the supporting words although i feel i should have helped you more before the post. I am glad you made a second search, i am yet to make my first since i haven't prepared my post yet. I wish you good luck. Will review it when you finish it. Have a great weekend!

I will personally help her make the appropriate changes.Dear @thedarkhorse , i feel sorry her entry didn't result valid. Of course she didn't know such things.

It happens. Even some experienced members have submitted a blogger with stolen content and I had to have them make changes. Sometimes it's hard to spot. But as a very avid reader of online content it's amazing how often I am seeing things I've already read or just find it easy to spot the stolen content as it's looks way to professional.

Thank you very much @thedarkhorse . It is a well known issue i know. I am just hoping she makes the appropriate changes to include herself and be part of her competition. I have great hopes for her successful entry to the contest. I could do that mistake to, i was just lucky to choose the right people for my entry. Thank you for protecting the originality and creativity of each person. I appreciate your influence. I am sorry i have yet to submit my entry for this week. I am working on that.