The first time I met Chris was through livestreaming on Blab nearly two years ago. He is dynamic, has an incredible sense of humor with a powerhouse personality, and we've had lots of amazing conversations from PTSD to mindset and relationships; from brainstorming livestream and podcast ideas, to just sitting around with a couple of our mutual online friends having beers and laughing.
A little bit about Chris
Ripka is a combat veteran and is very active in "vets helping vets" through the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association. A father of two, he just recently celebrated his 18th wedding anniversary.

He just barely retired his no polish no bull podcast Raw & Real with CJ Ripka after two years and 100 episodes and in early May, 2017 he and Line Brunet launched their show

Can you guess which one is "grit" and which one is "grace"?
Why the #payitforward post?
Well, a couple of weeks ago Chris was riding on the interstate when he "heard a ping and metal on metal grinding afterwards". I'm not a motorhead but it doesn't take much to realize that's a bad thing. Something broke, got crunched, and probably mucked up the engine pretty good.
Here's the thing...
This is his primary mode of transportation but it's also his therapy. We all have at least one thing that soothes the wild beast within us. For me, it's writing. For Chris, it's riding.

Without his motorcycle, it's hard to participate in the CVMA events. You see, riding might be his therapy but he also uses it as a vital tool to #payitforward by riding thousands of miles through the Black Hills and all through Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota to raise funds and awareness for veteran causes and VA Hospitals. CVMA also helps sponsor patients who can't afford treatment. This is Chris's way of saying, "Hey, I got you."

He battles with PTSD and he'll say it's not as bad as it used to be.
Well, I know there are good days and bad days. My husband is a combat veteran too. I've had to duck a few wild punches while he sleeps. I've witnessed the cold sweats and seen him in the throes of a nightmare. Sometimes there are certain sounds, smells, or sights which transport him back to some hell he's been through. It's those brief moments he's almost catatonic and literally there again.
Maybe this post isn't just about Chris. Maybe it's the fact that I have two boys in Marine Corps bootcamp and grew up an Army brat. Maybe it's my love of veterans, especially ones who served in combat situations, that give them a special place in my heart.
I would really love to see the Steemit community say, "Hey, Chris. I got you."
There are several options to help out
- This is a #payitforward post. All liquid funds will be forwarded directly to Chris toward his motorcycle repair fund after post payout.
Consider upvoting generously and share this out on your social media platforms. Resteem if you are so moved. - Visit his fund me page and make a direct donation.
To date he's only got one sponsor. Facebook is letting him down. (Surprised? umm... Nope.)
Hopefully Steemit will pick him up! - Visit his links that I've included within the post and subscribe to his YouTube channel.
- Write your own post and donate the funds.
FYI - I swiped these photos from his Facebook account without first seeking his permission. You are more than welcome to scoot back to FB and tattle on me. You can find him on Grit & Grace TV.
Let's see some Steemit love!
Maybe it will give that stubborn curmudgeon a reason to join us. Fingers crossed.
Projects and people still on my #payitforward list
- @hamburger-saint - Please follow the #hamburgersaintproject tag in honor of fallen soldier Sgt. Michael Barkey
- @girlbeforemirror - She's home from the hospital but our support on her posts are greatly appreciated.
- @thecrazygm - He was back in the hospital last week. Unfortunately it doesn't look like surgery is going to happen to alleviate the chronic pain from his broken back.

to Steem Witnesses. You have 30 votes. Use them wisely.You have a duty as a new Steemian to learn about witnesses and their important role within the community. Read @pfunk's Complete User's Guide
Thank you for everything you do Mere. You are Amazing. I know you have had your own share of challenges in life. It has given you a perspective that can unfortunately only be obtained through experience.
The beauty is you have turned it into a positive. Your empathy and insight is a gift that I'm sure you earned through experience. Thanks for being you. Don't ever stop. X
I'm good. How can I help you? I learned that from my dad :D@girlbeforemirror - we have to make the best with what we've got to work with. I rejected negativity a while ago and I'm healthier for it. I don't always have my ducks in a row but if I've got my basic necessities it is enough to say,
Full power UV for this fellow.
I have done some activism and work with related groups, and some of it is on YT in my community activism videos.
You can literally watch us standing outside city hall, in the rain, supporting the veterans in the HHR community with a Canadian flag, continually harassed by the police state with 4-6 cruisers and 6-8 cops we pay with taxes.
Just because they can target people they don't like.
So I will always support veterans like the HHR and your friend here.
All the best Chris!!
#HHR #HeroesHighwayRide
@barrydutton - I know you haven't been feeling well but I want to thank you for taking the time to help spread the word. HUGS.
I got you, and Chris too.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Woot! Thank you!
Semper Fidelis! (Always Faithful). Upvoted and Resteemed.
OoRah! Thank you @wwamd - much love for that :D
Semper Fi Marine!! Ooorahhh!! Up-voted with all I had available, sorry it is not more. Re-steemed and most importantly, sending my prayers. I too have PTSD, and lost two brothers in recent years as the result of Agent Orange during Viet Nam, I really appreciate what you do for veterans Chris. Wish I had more to send along!!
Thank you for your support @alicemarie and I am so sorry to hear about your brothers. I have a good friend who is dealing with complications from Agent Orange and another who has Gulf War Illness. If riding brings Chris joy then I want to help him get back on the road.
I agree, I want to help him also. Would it help you if I sent you some steem?
@alicemarie - I would love to see you POWER UP your Steem and build your account. Of course, I would never say no to a donation but
your upvote and getting the word out is 💯 %!!!
@merej99 I only have about 2 steem dollars, almost 40 steem and over 100 steem power. I don't mind sending over 10 steem if that would help Chris. I know it is not much but I have been trying to power up as much as possible. Like you, veterans are very near and dear to my heart and so are victims of PTSD. I know exactly what it feels like, I have it. Mine not from military but something else that I really don't want to get into here but just as real.
Chris Ripka i hope we can get you rolling again.
@xtrodinarypilot - wouldn't that be amazing? Thank you for swingin' by, love. :D
I couldn't see a cause like this going to a better person that's hands down "in it to win it"! Chris fights hard for everything he believes in and is always putting in the extra effort to help those around him who are less fortunate, even when he's working 2 or 3 jobs at a time to support his wife and kids.Chris Ripka! Good friend and great podcaster! The man gives me more shout outs on his live shows than I probably deserve, so it's my turn to #shoutout for him!
No one that has served our country in battle should ever have to ask for help, as a country we should be there 100% from the start. I'll do my part...
Thanks Chris, for your service and for your friendship! Looking forward to big things coming from the ex-"Raw&Real" camp! ;) Thumbs up to Grit&GraceTV!
This is an amazing testimony @lelandbest - thank you for this and the shoutout!
Definitely want to help get Chris back on the road so he can do more good for other Vets. upvoted and resteemed. I will write a post to try and raise funds for him as well.
Feel free to use pics and links from this post.That would be amazing @jdawg
Resteemed, upvoted. Thanks for helping a brother in need.
Sweet! Thank you @retired20usaf
My husband is retired USAF (first Gulf War). I will always support our men & women who served! ❤
Same timeframe in 1st Gulf War. Retired in 2000. I also do what i can for Vets.
I forget his exact title, but hubby was a diesel mechanic/fireman/mobility with permanent duty station in Elmendorf. He loves Alaska! but he got out in 1995 after they involuntarily extended him for a year. I'll be helping him with his own Steemit blog. He's got some hysterical bootcamp stories.
Hi merej99, I have sent a donation from the Giving Steem initiative for Chris's motorbike. Please could you see that he get's it? Thank you so much. Paying it forward is a wonderful thing. All the best.
Done. Thank you!
Not only are you trying to help out but you took the time and put together a great post about him.
I will up-vote and resteem!
It's what I love to do @dadview - without a back story and some context it would only feel like a hand out but Chris is a friend and he's got stuff going on. Sometimes we just need a little boost. Thank you for spreading the word :)
Wow look what you have accomplished so far! Can't wait to see the final total!
Great work merej99. Glad to see the Steemit community step up.
Just a few more days before post payout and I'll probably top it up. I think it was just the boost he needed to help spread the word. :)
I support you! I myself am a veteran of the fighting! And I'm 27 years old !!! Resteem!!!+
That's awesome @top-one. Thank YOU for your service and for your support in spreading the word. You are appreciated. :D
Thank you!!!
I am from Ukraine!
Can he describe the problem with the bike? Bikes aren't all that hard to fix.
fund me post something went ping! and then there was a metal on metal sound in the engine. I think he needs to rebuild the motor.@guiltyparties - he wrote about it in his
I see. Sounds like it's not totaled and can be easily fixed, particularly if he stopped riding it right after. It could be anything from a faulty starter to low oil.
Edit: If you talk to him as by the sounds of it you know him personally, ask him to describe the issue in detail and take pictures. We can fix his bike pretty easily I reckon
When I hear "totaled" I think of a car being written off - broke beyond repair. I think he and a friend pulled the engine to investigate and probably said, "that's not a cheap fix." He's kind of crazy about maintenance because it's his baby.
Will do. Thanks!
Great post..
@africangold - I do appreciate you stopping by but please consider leaving thoughtful comments with the people you visit. If you engage them and let them know you've read and cared about their content, they might be inclined to visit you in turn. Something to think about, okay?
You got my up-vote! Have a great day!
@captainobviou3! I love your commercials. LOL <3
winking noise*
Giving Steem post to thank him for his generous 72 SBD donation.I left a message on @benjojo's
At current SBD market prices it came to about $82 USD. We bumped it to $100 and made a direct donation to Chris's FundMe campaign.
To keep a record on the blockchain, here is the screenshot of the transaction through my bank.
Once again, thank you @benjojo! That's pretty awesome. ❤
Amazing post , i like this smart community , because i found person like you adding value and creating great post
thank you
follow you
I have often said that I believe the general IQ of our Steemit community is much higher than anywhere else on the internet. :D
The most important thing to do about hard times in life and obstacles is overcoming it !! I m really amazed, what one could do to help himself improve is trusting what he does and being able to handle everything that comes in the way of achieving his goal in life .
Our Steemit community has really come together to help others in huge ways. Sometimes they are life altering. Steemit has brought me out of a bad place and I love giving back. May you grow your tribe and achieve your goals as well.
Good stuff. Man deserves some good vibes. Upvoted, followed and re-steemed
Thank you so much @handsolo - I appreciate the extra exposure on this. The support has been amazing. Hopefully Chris sees how genuine we are and joins up on Steemit too.
My pleasure @merej99 he deserves it.
Lets hope he joins
Making this just abut Chris is totally fine! I get it. Any way we can help our vets stay well and engaged is worth it one vet at a time.
Most of my #payitforward posts have been to help an individual. One day I hope to grow this account enough to launch campaigns to help even more people. My husband is working on whitepapers to help active duty and veterans through VIVA. If you'd like, follow the #veterans tag and #hamburgersaintproject too. There's lots of good stuff for our vets :)